Friday, August 31, 2018

Labor Day 1934

Dear Friends,
I know it's been awhile, but it was time for a little break. I've been thinking about what else I have to share with you. I thought since it is Labor Day weekend I would share a story from 1934 from "The Minnesota Union Advocate: The Peoples Voice".
I had to scan it in two parts, enjoy:

 I wonder how this story would be received today?

And here is a random picture:

No idea where this was taken.
I thought with all the problems with too much rain I would show some water from a time gone by.

Well, that's all I will show you this time.
I've got a number of other things I will show you from time to time.
No time schedule this time so you never know when I will post something new
 You can still drop by from time to time to see more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Monday, August 13, 2018

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Johnson Oct. 26, 1935

Dear Friends,
Now that the letters are done I thought it was time to show you Grandma and Grandpa together.

This is how I remember them.
I asked if anyone had a picture from when they got married but so far none to show. But I do have something from their 40th Anniversary:

I think I remember this party. But I don't remember anything else but being there.
I might be able to get Grandma's journals that my older sister has. So if I ever get them I will share them with you.

Since this post is about  weddings I thought I would share story about a special song:

When you read this, read the first half of the first one then go down to the longer one before going back to the second half of the first one. No idea what year this story was published.
I found this story in an old Swedish cookbook, which is from 1908.
I will share things from this book from time to time.

I think the cover translates to: "The woman and the home's new Cookbook"

I will from time to time share something from this book.

Well, I know I'm a day a head of my usual post but I've decided to post at random times.
You just never know when a new post will appear. You will just have to drop by from time to time to so some more Fading History.
Till next time.
Your friend,Sandy

Friday, August 10, 2018

Ruth: Xmas soon; Tripoli, Wis.

Dear Friends,
Well believe it or not but my journey through the letters have come to an end. But I think there are a few other letters not as old. I didn't think it would take this long to get through all those letters.I put them in 3" binders as I went along. There are 6 of them. I do hope everyone enjoyed reading them and all the other things I have shown you over the years.
After today I will not be posting as often. There are still more news story I will show from time to time. Plus there is the Swedish newspaper I will be showing from time to time. I have a children's  story book in Finnish I would like to translate and share. There are still more pictures. I also have a cook book in Swedish from 1908. There is a story about my great uncle Joel Oscar I will share with you also. These are just some of the things you will see from time to time.
But before that happens, here is the final letter from Ruth:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

              Tripoli, Wisc.
Dear Howard
                   Don't think
I've forgotten you
kid. I haven't
Hows the world
using you. Me
fair at present
guess I'll come
home couple days
Xmas. Hope I'll
see you then
I'm going to a
dance tomorrow
nite. Was over
to see Lillian
this afternoon

gosh it seems funny
Xmas is so near
Do you take
hint Ha. That's
what they are
all asking me.
If you see Elmer
or Walter ask
them why they
never write.
I had a letter
from Red. She's
having a good
time I guess
I was going to
write home tonite
also. But I have
so many other
things to do

are you going to
have a Xmas tree
it's pretty dead
around here at
present well
Howard Hope I'll
hear from you
soon      Love
But 106

Not a lot here. Just a lot of talk about writing. And Xmas.
I hope everyone have a very nice Xmas that year.

Here is a story from the Editorial Page of Labor; Washington, D.C., Tuesday September 4, 1934:

I wonder how many people believe that to this day?
Sometimes I do get that feeling.

Here is a joke from the the same paper on the same page:

I wonder how well that would work today?

Finally a random picture:

I might have shown this one before. Grandma is the one on the right.

Well, that's all.
I will do another post for sure on Monday. After that I might be post maybe once a week.
I hope you have enjoyed all of the Fading History I have shared with you.
If anyone has any other ideas about something to share I would love to hear about it.
So all I will say is, it's really not over over.
So still drop by from time to time and check things out.
Till  next time.
Your friend,

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Carol: Nov. 23, 1934; Milwaukee, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a very nice weekend. Mine was nice and quiet. Saturday I stayed home and did housework. Sunday we went to Wausau to the fair and then we visited with our granddaughter. Saturday was on the wet side. Sunday was on the hot side. Nothing else to say.
So, here is the next letter from Carol:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                            Monday Nov 20-34
Hi Howard,
  Received your letter and I must say
you were very prompt.
   Well what did you do over the weekend.
I went out to a party Saturday nite, and
Sunday we went up to West Bend to
a wedding anniversary- Silver. I was quite
well cared for I had two young men
going up and when we got there, I had
more. Gee I had a swell time, and talk
about food, I never saw so much in all
my life. There must have been about 80
people Sunday and I don't now how
many Saturday. Saturday they killed 4
half barrels and one full barrel of beer.
Sunday we finished 3 half barrels. Oh yes
I drink. Do you? I could have died at
those people especially the kids. They
couldn't get over my colored finger
nails. I always wear the dark polish.

Did you have rain and fog Sunday nite. It
took us 3 1/2 hrs to come home from West
Bend. The joy was just terrible. Nothing
happened to us in the fog coming through the
country but when we got to the city
a car bumped into us. I hurt my arm,
and strained the cords in my neck. My
neck bothers me somewhat.
Also Sunday nite, I had a fight with the
fellow that asked me to marry him. So I
won't see him any more. I don't care tho.
I never liked him any way. I like another
fellow better.
I have the United States Marine Band on
over the radio, and they certainly have a lovely
No Howard I do not know what S.Y.I.M.D.T.N.
means. What does it.
Gee it is snowing out and I am invitied out to
dinner, I suppose I well get all wet.
No I have not seen Hattie for quite some
time. Will have to shut up now.      Love
answer soon.

Carol sounds like she likes to party. I do wonder how much of that beer she had.
I do wonder how hard another car bumped into them.
I hope she was not soar for to long.
I do wonder also about the fellow she was no interested in. Did he leave her alone after that night or did he still try to pursue her.
S.Y.I.M.D.T.N. stands for; "See you in my dreams to night". At least I think that's what it means.
At least she was enjoying listening to the radio.

There is one more letter to show you. There are a few others I will still share with you from time to time.

Here is a story from "The Minnesota Union Advocate August 30, 1934:

 Did America aid Germany at the beginning of WWII?

Here are a few jokes from "Labor" Washington, D.C. Tuesday, September 4, 1934:

Are you Americanized?

Finally, a random picture:

Not sure who this little one is or when it was taken.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you'll come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, August 3, 2018

Carol: Nov. 13, 1934; Milwaukee, Wis.

Dear Friends,
Well, it's the end of yet another week. At least I get to have two days off. An actual weekend. Yeah! I'm not sure what we will do because the husband I think still has to work Saturday. Oh well, I'll just get housework done with no interruptions.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Carol:

As always for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                       Tuesday Nov. 13-34
Hi Howard;
  Bon Voyage! Ooops guess I
got my words mixed up, but
any how, what I mean is, how
are you? I am fine thank you.
  You bet your boots you
owed me a letter. I answered your
letter the day I received it. So
that's that.
Gee it is miserable today
cold and dreary.
What have you been doing
for excitement? I have been going
out every nite for the last 2
weeks. Saturday nite I am going
up to west Bend to a wedding
anniversary with a fellow we
expect to have a good girl.

Oh ya, am I getting ritzy -you
don't know it but I wear
glasses, and now I am getting
a pair of Oxfords you know the
kind they wear with gold chains.
Boy I look like a society Jane
with 'em.
Am I thrilled or am I thrilled
the fellow I am going to West
Bend with asked me to marry
him. But the funny part of it
is I hate him. So that is off. But
anyhow if I am an "old maid" I
at least can say I had a proposal
of matrimony. ha!ha!
I may go to Cleveland Ohio for the
winter and Spring to stay with a friend
but if I do I will give you my address.
Saloon-- until next time Carol xx

I just want to ask why does someone go to a celebration with someone you hate?
I do hope she had a nice time anyway.
I wonder how many proposals she received over the year and did she stay an old maid?
I do hope she enjoyed her new glasses.
Did she go to Cleveland for the winter and Spring?
So many questions where the answers have faded away.

Here are a few stories from the editorial page of "Labor" Tuesday, September 4, 1934:

 Just a few things to give you something to think about.

Here are a few jokes from the paper and page:

So true about stories. They can grew  bigger in different ways over time.

Finally, a random picture:

No idea who they are or when they were taken. This is two different pictures.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
Remember there are two letters left till I start taking longer breaks between posts.
I do hope you will still drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,