It's me again. I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good. Nice and sunny, for a change. Well here is the next letter from Walter.
It's a little hard to decipher in parts, so here is what I deciphered.
Chicago Ill.
Aug. 5, 1920
Dear Howard:
Read your
welcome letter a couple of
days ago and as I'm not very
busy I may as well write
now or else I might
forget and let it go a couple
So your ford has
run 600 miles already. Any
smashups yet. Hows Nels R
coming with his car. Suppose
he broke his neck a couple
of times before he learned
how to run it.
Are you going
for the harvest? make a
steak this year I guess.
Work is plentiful.
Don't know if we ever
told you people of not but
Selma run into Thorp once
last winter. (You remember
Thorps don't you.) Saw them
several times since I came
You know those ads. that
you gave me. Well the one
is just 4 blocks from where
we bot a house. The other is
about 6 or 3/4 of a mile. Saw the
one of the houses the other day as
I walked past there. A cool dealer
I think. well news is pretty scarce
so must end. Greet all. Hows
Your cousin
4648 Warwick Ave.
He said something about grandpa's Ford. I wonder if this is what he was talking about. Plus I wonder how long Grandpa had it to put on 600 miles.
I think that this car might be from the right time, the early 1920's I'm not sure who the girl is in the second picture but I know that is Grandpa sitting at the bottom.
He also said something about Nels. I think he might be talking about Grandpa's brother, Nels Albert. Plus he mentioned something about a Selma. I think Selma was Nels wife or wife to be. If so here is a picture of the two of them.
I don't know what year this was taken in.
In 1963 they were killed in an accident along with two other people. I've got a number of clippings from that time plus a number of obits of them. If anyone in the family would like to see them just let me know.
He also said something about Thorp. I wonder if he was talking about Thorp Wis.
See the red dot? That's where Thorp is. I wonder what happened there that was so exciting. Maybe it's like they say about Vegas. What happen's in Thorp, stays in Thorp. Then again maybe it's a person.
Well that's all I have time for now. I hope that this post finds all in good heath.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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