Friday, March 27, 2015

Mary Kauer: Oct. 15, 1925 Rib Lake, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and maybe looking forward to the weekend as I am.
Here is the next letter from Mary.

As always here is what it says:

Dear Howard:-
  I s'pose you think I
forgot to write but I've
been kind of busy.
How do you like nite
work? What does Rib Lake
look like at nite? Better
than in the daytime.
 Say Rose is coming home

Pretty soon. Gee, won't I
be glad to see her. Maybe
you will, too, how about
it. Are you coming to
our basket social Sunday
evening? Or don't you like
our school.
  Well, I went with Alix again
Sunday. I mite just as well
tell you as not. If Mary
Schneider knew you a
little better or had more

chance to talk to
you you'd find out all
such stuff. Of all the
talkers that I ever saw
she has them all skinned
She and Mrs. Bogumill
were in the barber shop at
the same time and she
told her that I have a
Sunday beau and one for
week days. I told her
I'd be awful glad when

she went home again
so she couldn't always
tattle on me. I think I'll
leave Rib Lake pretty
soon. That will be one way
out, won't it?
  Why don't you call up some
afternoon? I don't know about
seeing you, tho. How, when,
and where?
  Well, so long, hope you
get this tonite yet.
P.S. Don't feel blue about this
there's no reason for it

Boy it sounds like Mary Schneider likes to talk about Mary. I wonder what ever happened to her. Did she continue talking about others? Odds are, in my opinion, she did. How do I base that idea? Knowing people just like her who from a young age for many more years making other people's lives their business. Gossips, busy bodies. We all know these kind of people.
I wonder if Grandpa went to the basket social? And who is Alix? Did Mary have more then one beau? Am I a busybody right now. Maybe. But aren't we all to some point.
Here's a joke from the joke book:

Giddy Gal- To hear me talk. you'd
never think I was true blue.
Boy Friend- Nonsense! You talk
a real blue streak!

Here are a few random pictures for you to look at.

This is Pearl Noukki and George Green. No idea who they were or even when this picture was taken.

Once again no idea who they are or when it was taken.

On the back of this one is written, Joe Johnson team about 1918.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good weekend and that where ever you are the weather is just right for you.
Till next time.
Your friend,

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