Friday, April 17, 2015

Mary Kauer: Dec. 1, 1925 Rib lake, Wis and a Turkey Tale

Hello Friends,
I hope you had a good week. Mine, had some drama. There was almost a triple murder in my backyard.
Got your attention didn't I. Let me explain.
Wednesday night after seven o'clock in the evening, I was doing some looking on the computer, when I heard my turkeys start to make a commotion. Usually they are very quiet. But I knew something was out there and they wanted me to know about it.
When I looked I noticed an animal on the other side of their pen trying to get in. At first I thought it was a dog but then I noticed the short tail. A bobcat! I open the door ready to yell when I noticed a couple of turkeys on the lawn. At first I thought they were wild turkeys but then realized they were my turkeys. I yelled, "NO!!!"
Then with me in my pj's I quickly went out to the garage to put my boots hoping that the turkeys had not run to far and that the bobcat was not having supper.
When I rounded the corner there the turkeys sat. All three lined up in a row as if waiting to be killed. The bobcat was by the last one. The turkey is almost as big as the bobcat.
I start yelling and waving my arms hoping to chase it away and that it wouldn't take a turkey with it in the process. It worked he ran away.
Now I had to make sure everyone was o.k. They were all still just sitting there. I checked them all and I could not see any wounds. But now I had to find a place to put them to keep them safe till we got the pen fixed.
I decided to put them in a pen we have in the barn that we used for the chickens over the winter. The next trick was to get them there. Herding more then one turkey at a time is not exactly easy. I decided to carry them. I tried to pick up the first one but did not hold her tight enough at first. She knocked my glasses off. And also lost a number of feathers.
I finally got a good hold of her and was able to carry her to the barn with no more problems. Now to get the second one, still sitting in the same spot. This one was a little easier to pick up and carry.
Now for the third one, the one the bobcat almost had for supper. She was a little smaller then the other two and a little more active. I thought I would try to guild her to where I wanted her to go. And it worked. So all are safe. And so far no sign of the bobcat again.
Here is proof the turkeys are fine.

Well enough of that, here is the next letter from Mary.

As always here is what it says:

             Rib Lake
             Dec. 1, 1925
Hello Howard,
  Say my pens on the
bum so you'll have to ex-
cuse the blot. Anyways I'm
in a hurry, because its
getting quite late already
and they might put me
in if I mail this letter
after nine o'clock.
I was out to do my

shopping this evening. I
got a confirmation present
for one of the girls I stood up
for. Its a box with powder
compact and perfume in it.
its awfully nice but maybe
her dad won't let her use
it cause she's only sixteen.
And while I was there Mrs.
Bogamill came in and she
bought me a drink and
then we went to the farmer
store to see their toys.

And what do you think?
I had my hair cut tonite.
I was always scared to go
there at nite on account of
the men but no one bit
Say, I'm sending you a nice
pair of___ you can hang
them up in your room some
where's and then you can
look at them when you
feel like it. Maybe she wears
garters, too, I don't know tho.
  Mrs. Hipke didn't say

anything Sunday. She went
to church and I went home
so I guess she forgot. But
when I got two letters from
you Monday she said, well
he's got it bad.
  Say, this is all the
news I know except that I
didn't go to the party Sunday.
I went to show it was a good
show but pretty sad.
  Don't you wish you were
a kid again when you see
all the toys in the window.

I wonder how often Grandpa wrote to Mary and what he wrote. Sigh....I guess I'll never know. So for the pair she was talking about, she had included a picture of a woman's legs. I wonder if Grandpa was a leg man. Just more questions that will never be answered.
I know I am miss spelling some of the names she mentioned, sorry.

Here are few random pictures chosen for different reasons.

No idea who this man is but I think in the background is what could have been used for food storage and or a home.
Not sure who these boys are but they could be a couple of my cousins.

I'm not sure who the guys are but one must have shot the animal by the log. It looks to me like it could have been a badger.
Well that's all I have to tell you today. I hope you like my tale.
Enjoy your weekend and drop- by on Tuesday for another letter and pictures.
Till next time.
Your friend,

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