The week is almost over, wait. I still have to work on Saturday. I volunteered. Shocked? I surprised myself when I did it. But I just might do it a couple of times a month, maybe. So My weekend will be short, plus it's also time change. So we lose an hour. I'll live, I hope.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mary.
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says, I think:
Mud Lake Wis.
June, Tuesday,
Dear Hart:-
Are you sore already or are
you short on ink and pencils? Or
did you write and your letter is at
Bogumills yet.
We want to go to town tonite
so I t'hot I would write and mail
it then. But maybe we won't go
because by the looks of things
I think "it's gonna rain."
Well, I think we will have a
phone pretty soon. Joseph laughed
at us, he said Mart & I could start
gossiping pretty soon. Its too
bad for him that Schneider's
aren't getting one.
I just took a look at myself
because there is a glass right
here and you ought to see how
I look. I had my hair cut so
short Friday that I look like a
real moon face. I should have
had them cut a little shorter and
I'd have a boyish bob.
Rosie is home again, you know
I told you she was working. They
have a nurse there now. She
came to town Friday eve and
then I walked back with her and
on the way a car full of boys kept
going past us all the time and they
almost ran over us. I was afraid
to go back alone so I stayed and walked to
town the next morning.
I better quit now I hear Joseph
downstairs and he might come up
want to read what I wrote.
So long, Mary Kauer
I wonder how much she used the phone once they got one. It sounds like Mary liked to gossip a lot with Mart. I wonder how long it took Schneider's to get a phone?
I wonder if the phone looked like one of these.
It sounds like it was a rainy time. Why else would she write Mud Lake.
It sounds like young people liked to cruise around in their cars even back then. And I thought that started in the 50's.
I wonder if she was able to get the letter sealed in the envelope before Joseph got upstairs.
Here are a few random pictures for you to look at:
This was taken Jun 1964 from I think the second floor of the house. No idea by who or why.
Merv class of 1960, I think. I wonder if he went cruising for chicks in his day.
I might have shown you this one already.I don't know who the girl is of when it was taken. But can you imagine cruising up and down the main drag in one of these back in the day.
Well that's all I have to show you today.
I hope you have a good weekend. Mine will be shorter for a couple of reasons.
Come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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