Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Harriet: Dec. 23, 1928 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well, it's good to see you again. I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was quiet. Not much happened here for me. It was a dreary one. Kind of rainy all weekend. I think it is time for us to start seeing more sun and warmer temps like today. I hope it is the beginning of sunny days.

Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                Chicago Ill.
                Monday Eve.
Dearest Sweetheart Howard
Received your sweet
letter and sure made me
happy to hear from you
Well whats new up
around that part of the
Country. Nothing much I
We're having horrible
weather down here raining
and snowing and every
thing imaginable.

Was sick with the flue for a
 couple days last week. Just
stayed home from work one
day so wasn't to bad.
Yes honey I received the package
and want to thank you very
much. Just can't hardly wait
until Xmas so I can open
It seems like the days just
drag by now until Xmas.
The Co. we work for is giving
 a party next Saturday for their
Hope we have a good time.
We went to a Swedish dance a
couple of weeks ago. Sure had a time
of my life. The fellows all talked
Swedish and some Norwegian of course.
We sure got a good kick out of it.
Well where are you going
to spend Xmas.
Don't know what we are going
to do or not do.-
Suppose the programs are
all on by now. Sure miss them

Have you seen Clarence lately
and how is the world treating him
He never answered my letter. That's
a brother for you eh.
Walter called me the other night and
sends his best regards to you
Well sweetheart there's nothing new
to write about. So all I can do is
to sign off until next time.
Will close with heaps of (love & Kisses)

Just a nice letter just before Christmas. I hope I got the date right.The post mark for the day is hard to read. And she said it was Monday evening.
Walter is still in contact with her from time to time.

The meaning for the letters on the bottom is: I'll see you in my dreams to-night.
That was an easy one to figure out.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

The rotary SnowPlow in Action- this exclusive picture was taken near Jackson, Washington county, Wednesday afternoon after a North western train upon which 89 passengers were marooned had been hauled back to Jackson by a relief engine. Manual laborers, who shoveled snow off the track so that the relief locomotive could work, shoveled it back on the track so it could be scattered by the plow. Note that the snow is flying over the top of the nearly buried telephone posts.
Journal Staff Photo.

Here is a page from the joke book:

Enjoy the jokes.

No idea when this was taken. Or who is in the picture.

Well that's about all I have to say right now, except, I was looking out the window before and noticed an eagle flying around. Then there was another one. Then a third one came into view. After a little bit a fourth one joined in. They looked like they were having a rumble in the sky. They started climbing higher and higher. It was a very interesting thing to watch.
I hope you will drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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