Well another week is gone. it looks like it's going to be a humid weekend around here. I enjoy summer but the humidity is something I would rather do without.
For anyone interested on what happened to the hawk. Well I was able to get him and saw to it he got to a place where he could get the best help. But unfortunately he did not make it. They told me they made him as comfortable as they could and he peacefully passed away.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Chicago Ill
Dearest Howard.
Received your long
looked for letter at last.
Thought maybe that
you had forgotten all
about me.-
Well hows everything
with you fine as
myself I hope.
It has been raining
here all day.
I was suppose to
go to a shower on one
of my girl friends, but its
just pouring so guess I will
have to stay home.
So all the dances are
going strong up there. That
almost makes me lonesome
to be there ha!-
Have you been down
to Vinnedger yet. I was
just wondering how it is
Had a letter from Isabel
Her beloved came back
so she was the happiest
girl on earth I guess -
Guess it wont be long
before she will be married.
Some of us girls went to
a fortune teller last night
ha! Got a good kick out
of it. We get a notion to
go every once in a while.
Have been working over time almost
every night this wk. I am getting
ambitious- won't be long now
before vacation time comes around
Think I will be home some time
in July. Am not positive yet.
Well dearest must sign off for
this time with
Heaps or love & kisses
immediately SWAK
I wonder what the fortune teller told them. I wish she would have mentioned more of about it.
I wonder if Grandpa was going to any of the dances I know he was not a dancer.
I wonder if she was able to make it up here for her vacation.
I wonder if Isabel married her beloved.
So much wondering, and no real answers.
Anyway, here is a picture from the scrap book:
Proving that the fatal climb of Delmar Fadden (inset) extended to the top of Mount Rainier.
This picture was on a film found in the camera of the dead Seattle youth, who died at the
13,000 feet elevation after being the first to reach the peak in January. The picture shows the ice
choked crater at the summit.- A.P. Wirephoto.
I wonder how many people were with him at that time and how did he die?
Here is the next page from the joke book:
This was new humor? Okay. But where is Superman. This might have been before his time.
Here is a random picture:
Not sure when this was taken.
I thought I'd try and find a more updated picture to compare. Here is what I found:
I think the tree might even be the same one. That is a big change in the snow cover.
Well that's all I have to share with you today.
The next time you hear from me I will be a Grandmother.
So don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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