I hope everyone had a good weekend. it is finally getting warmer and the snow is finally melting. Birds that fly south for the winter are being seen. We have seen Red Wing Black birds, Robin and the husband has seen a couple of Cranes. I'm really starting to get Spring fever. I look forward to being able to do something outside, once the mud drys up, after the snow is gone.
Anyway, it has been awhile since there has been a letter from her, but here is the next letter from Edna:
Since this one is typed, I will not repeat it.
It does sound like she has been very busy. It's good to hear that she was able to work at that time since it was the depression and many were not. Maybe working for a magazine publisher was a very good thing at that time.
She mentioned that she was to go for a sleigh ride but the sleigh never showed up so 17 girls all piled into a Lasalle. Now that is a lot bodies. I have looked up what a Lasalle looked like in 1933.
Maybe it looked like this. Notice the trunk on the back. That is where Edna and another girl rode. They must have been a sight to see.
As for Grandpa getting married, I don't think he was seeing Grandma yet. But I don't have her letters so I'm not sure exactly when they met.
Spring sounded like it had sprung around there. I'm not sure I'd say crows sing wonderfully.A nightingale might be a different story.
It's to bad the play they were going to put on fell through. I wonder if they planned another one for the summer?
It sounds like she was still hanging out with Gladys Holm's.
Here is a picture from the scrap book:
Trinidad Del Rio, 22, is pointing out the object to be shot
while her sister Delores, 17, and her brother Paul, 12, look into
the camera in The Journal photo studio. Paul is also shown
standing at William Westman's knee. The combined weight of
the sisters and brother is 53 pounds. (Journal Staff Photo)
I wonder why they were hanging out at the Journal. They do look familiar. I wonder if they were by any chance in The Wizard of OZ.
Here is a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:
So that's what happens when you scare newspapermen.
Finally, a random picture:
Not sure who they are or when it was taken. But the photographer was Glander from Manitowoc, Wis.
Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good week.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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