I hope you had a good weekend. I did. Housework on Saturday and a nice hike on Sunday. It was a little on the cool side and a it kind of mists most of the day and the bugs were a little annoying but we did over 10 miles. We thought that we would be sore the next day, but we weren't. I just hope that this week will be a good one also.
Oh well, here is the next letter from Helen:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:
Sat. Night
Dearest Howard:-
seeing you are so
prompt in answering
my letters I will have
to be the same as long
as I have nothing else
to do.
My folks have gone
out tonight again so
I was wondering if
you didn't want to
come over so I don't
have to be here all by
myself- you see some
one could easily come
inside & kid nap me.
Do you think you
would care to come
over if you were in
the city?
You know this morning
was a grand Spring day. I
could hear the birds singing.
Then it turned into rain &
rained till three P.M. & then
came the snow. So now we
have some more snow &
much colder.
Hope its a nice day tomorrow
so I can go out & have a nice
Easter Sunday I am invited
to Oak Park for dinner but I
don't think I can get done
in time- its always about
four o'clock on Sunday when
I'm leaving the house. That
makes the Sundays very short.
I enjoy Sundays at home where
you have the whole afternoon
to take it easy or go places.
You mentioned you were to
Church. May I ask what kind
of a church you go to? You
see I wouldn't go to any one
so maybe you would have
been out of luck. I'm use
to riding in the Model T Fords
and I think they are good
enough for us poor birds
don't you?
I was to a movie Thursday
again & saw "A Chance to Heaven"
It was very good, how a fellow
had a nice girl but another one
came along that was very beautiful
so naturally he fell in love with
this one & left the other go. But
in the end this beautiful one
leaves him & goes to N. York &
forgets about him- so he
goes back to his other girl he
had at first- and shes foolish
enough to go back to him after
that trick- Which of course
I don't think I would
do. Would you?
I have seen Anna Novy
& Frank lately. They are
saving their money to
beat the band. Perhaps
in few years to come
we will have quite a
few Millionaires around
here. Frank is as nice
as always but I'm not
so keen about his
wife and I don't think
he is so crazy about her.
Altho I might be mistaken.
My sister at home
always remarks how
wonderful her husband
is- but I often wonder
if he is.
I hear that my brother still
chums with Mildred B. Perhaps
they are serious by now-
Would make me laugh.
He always teases me that if
I wait too long then nobody
will want me- but I just
laugh it off because it isn't
anything to him what I do.
His girl has to do the proposing
I guess the way he use to tell
me and he always lays it
off for a longer time- but I
don't blame him if he
doesn't care to settle down
I don't really know when
I'm coming home. Sometimes
I wish I was there already
& then again I think I ought
to stay till mid summer. So
I don't know yet what I will
By the way did you come to
the World's Fair last year? They
are improving it for this
coming summer so you better
be sure & see it this time-
Well Howard I think my
letter is much longer then yours
so I better quit.
I always look forward for
your letters, do you know
that? I guess because they
are so interesting- and I don't
get so much mail.
Now, don't flirt with those
Ogema girls too much or
someone may get jealous.
Well by by & don't
Work too hard
Won't you answer soon?
Your friend
When you get tired
of looking at those
snap shots please
send them
Now this was a very interesting letter. Talking about the weather, relationships, a movie and the Worlds Fair.
I like the way she explained the movie.
It was made in 1933.
I wonder if they have ever shown it on TCM. I might have to check it out some time. Although it is a story plot I'm not a fan of.
I don't think she ever got her pictures back because I still have them. Did he forget or maybe he liked them so much he couldn't part with them.
I guess I'll never know.
Here are a few stories from Thursday, March 19, 1936; The Milwaukee Journal:
1st story: Would this bill be passed today?
2nd: I do wonder how good of a show was put on.
3rd: I wonder what kind of things go on in a disorderly house.
Here is a story from "Fate" January 1950:
Are they still trying to make a superman kind of brain today?
Finally, here is a random picture:
One of Uncle Kenny's classmates I guess.
Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I your week is a very enjoyable one.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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