How are you? I'm just doing my best to put up with this bad case of cabin fever. Any way here is the next letter from Theresa.
As always here is what she wrote:
Dear Friend;
I am very sorry I
could not answer your
first letter but I have been
so busy I have not had time
to do anything. Of course a
poor excuse is better than
none eh!? Well how is
the weather out there. We
had out first snow Thanks-
giving day. It only fell
about an inch. But it is
snowing today again and
has been all day this being
nine o'clock. I am working
at Montgomery Ward now.
I have a pretty nice position
in an office down there.
There are several young
boys about your age working
there. I received your candy
and thank you for it very
much. My mother enjoyed
it very much. I'll tell you
the funny part about it was
some of the chocolates were
bent a little out of shape. I
suppose you thought I had
forgotten all about you eh?
Well that's to bad you
see I didn't. I went to a
dance last Friday and had
a pretty nice time but I
like the kind of dances you
people in the country
have. The main thing out
here is to see the leading
plays such as Jack Pickford
in In Wrong. I saw that
Sunday I am going to see
Margret Clark in Luck
in Pawn. I guess it is going to be
good. There was an accident
right in front of my music
teachers. He is on the corner
of a boulevard and a street
car line. There was a fellow
in a machine turning off of
the boulevard and
turned right into the street
car wrecking his car and
hurting not only himself but
also his wife, The steering wheel
bumped him in the
stomach so he couldn't stand
up. His wife was all cut up
by the flying glass. The
ambulance was called and
took both of them away. The
machine started to burn
after the accident but it was
extinguished shortly after.
You should have seen that
machine the engine was way
back on the back seat ha ha
Well not quite that bad but
almost. Well give our best
regards to all the rest and yourself.
She sounds like she is having a good time, no real worries or at least not whining to Grandpa about any other problems that are going on between her and Kathryn.
After some thinking I now know that when they say they are seeing plays they are going to see a movie.
I've look up the two she mentioned.
Jack Pickford was a Canadian born American actor. He was also the brother to Mary Pickford. He was never ever able to become as well know as his sister.He was married three times. He died at age 36 Jan. 3 1933 in Paris France. I couldn't find the film. Just that he was in it.
Margret Clark was actually Marguerite Clark. She was born in Cincinnati Ohio.
She acted on stage and silent films. She died at age 57 Sept 25 1940. I tried to find more a definition of the film but could not find much a about it.
Back then they called cars machines. But it won't be long and they will be calling them cars.
Now I'm including another random picture of someones wedding picture. If anyone knows who they are don't be afraid to tell me.
Here are another couple of pictures that might interest someone who might have logging memories.
Looks like fun just hanging around at the top of a pole. Maybe it's where Cirque du Soleil got it's start.
There might be a chance that the short guy might be Grandpa's brother Thomas.
Well that's all I have time for today.
Till next time.
Your Friend,
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