I hope this post finds you in good health. I'm doing very well myself. Well here is the next letter from Katheryn.
It is typed but I'll still write it up in case it's hard to read. Plus the message that was written on the back.
Dear Howard:
Well I suppose you think that I died,
but as yet I am enjoying the best of health. How
is your mother and the rest of the family? I hope
they are all well including you. We took some pic-
tures yesterday and I am going to send you the neg-
atives and hope that you will develop them as soon
as possible and send then to me, will you? As you
see I am still working at the same place and like
it as much as ever. What are you doing for your liv-
ing now? Have you as many girls as you had when I
heard from you last? You have quite a stock of them
I'm thinking, a regular "he-vamp" eh? My I never
tho't that of you, but your no different then the
rest are you? How is Tom and Elmer? How many dances
have you been to lately? I have bids to quite a few
but have not gone, altho' I went to one last Sat. at
the Chateau Ball Room and had a very nice time. I am
suppose to go to one down at the Auditorium Hotel
to-nite but my pay day is not until Thursday and I
won't go unless I get a new pair of oxfords. Do you
go to the movies out there very much? I'll tell you
some of the plays I have seen lately. Last nite I saw
Marguirete Clark in "Peggy All of A Sudden", Sun.
Olive Thomas In "Footlights and Shadows", Sat. Viola
Dana in "The Willow Tree", Constance Talmadge in "Two
Weeks" Shirley Mason in "Her Elephant Man", and a bunch
of others that were very good. We go almost every nite
in the week. Well I guess I will close now, and do not
forget to send those pictures immediately, please.
Your friend,
K. Shirley Clary
Send back the negatives
please, and thanks
a whole bunch.
It sounds like she is a very busy. Working and going to the movies. I've looked up all the movies and actresses she mentioned and this is what I learned.
This is the second time she was mentioned.
The movie she mentioned was actually "All of a Sudden Peggy".
It was a comedy/romance, silent movie. It is a lost film.
I did find this picture from it.
Olive Thomas Oct 20, 1894- Sept. 10, 1920
She was married to the younger brother of Mary Pickford in 1916. She died of an accidental poisoning while she was in France. It was a big scandal at that time.This film was released in Feb. She made four other films before she died. The last was released after her death.
The movie "Footlights and Shadows" in a lost film.
I found this poster of it but could not find much more on it.
Viola Dana June 26, 1897-July 3 1987. She acted until 1933.She was married three times and had no children.
There is still a copy of it. But as for any more info on it I could not find more about it.
Constance Talmadge April 19, 1898- Nov. 23, 1973. She acted until 1929. She was married four times and had no children. She died of pneumonia.
"Two Weeks" I tried to find a post or picture of it but could not.
Shirley Manson June 6, 1900- July 27, 1979. She died of cancer. She acted till 1929.
As for "Her Elephant Man" I did find out it was a drama that took place in a circus, but no poster.
That's it for the movies. It's sad that so many of them are lost.
As for pictures that could be of Katheryn, I'm not sure if I can pick one that I think is here but I'll try.
After some looking it's hard to think which one could be her if Grandpa even kept any copies. But I will keep on looking for the future. In the mean time here are a couple of other random pictures.
No idea who they are. Just more history slowly fading away never to be thought of again.
Well that's about it for now. maybe next time I'll be able to find a picture that could be Katheryn.
Till next time, take care.
Your Friend,
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