Friday, March 28, 2014

Theresa Lambert; Mar. 8, 1920 Chicago

Dear Friends,
I hope this letter finds you all well. Me, the same old, same old.
Well here is the next letter from Theresa.

As always I'm typing it up in case it's hard to read. I am also including all of the misspellings.

Dear Freind;
I suppose it is high time I wrote
to you but I haven't time to turn around,
especially this week on account of the con-
cert my music teacher gave last night.You
should have been there we had a glorious time.
You could have had a dance with me don't you
see. Katheryn did not go because she is not
dancing during lent. Poor thing I am sorry
for her. How many leap year letters did you
get? I sent one to a fellow here in Chic.
but I did not sign my name to it. This
fellow is my cousin's freind and he shows her
the thinking she wrote it but she pulled it off
so good that he didn't think I sent it at
all. All the time she told me to write it.
She is a nut. We didn't get home till three
this morning and Charlotte slept with me.
I got up at ten this morning. Oh boy getting
naughty, eh? I am going to the show this after
noon and see ;ary Ankle Oh boy.  I think

my mother is going to Hayward in a short time
but no chance for me going though. It's
heck I'll tell the world we live in.
Well I guess I will close now, will write
more next time.
Your freind,
P.S. Give my best regards to your mother,
brother, and father. How do you like my

I think either she did not remember how to spell friend or she is not good at proof reading.
I was trying to figure out the name of the movie she saw. It took awhile but I think I figured it out. She meant "Mary's Ankle"


It was a comedy released in 1920.
There are three young men struggling to find their next meal when they encounter a young lady with an injured ankle. One is a doctor who is trying to maintain a charade of success with his uncle who believes the young doctor is well off and married to a woman named Mary Jane Smith. The young doctor falls for the girl with the injured ankle and discovers her name is Mary Jane Smith.
It was also a play in 1917.

I also looked up writing letter during leap year.
Leap year is not just for special babies but it was a nearly forgotten holiday for woman. For the one day it was okay for women to propose to men.

I wonder how many leap year letter Grandpa got that year. There are few letter I've found that could be a letter like Theresa mentioned but I'll share them at a later date. If I remember right they are not signed either.

Now here are a few pictures I picked out for your viewing.
This is a picture of grandpa's brother Peter Joseph.He must have gone by Joe. On the back of the picture it says: Joe Johnson    About 1914.He died in 1923. Right now I'm not sure how but as soon as I know I'll let you know.

This is a picture of a hen that was Grandpa's pet.  On the back it says  Howard Johnson's  pet hen.

No clue who this is. It was from a studio in Providence, R.I. No 75 Westminster Street. I think the studio's name is Morton   Artist

No idea who this is. It was taken in Birnamwood, WI. The name of the studio is L.D. Joanfitt. But I could be wrong. Some writing is hard to decipher.
If you ever know anyone I post please don't be afraid to tell me.
Well I better close for now. So till next time.
Your Friend,

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