I hope this post finds you all well. Me, getting a little bit better. The snow is finally melting. It's melted so much I can actually see most of the ground, except where there are snow banks.
Any how here is the next letter from Katheryn.
This one is written in pencil and is a little hard to read. So here is what she says:
Dear Howard,
Received your
letter today and I was
very glad to hear from
you. I don't care if
Elmer writes again
or not. Say listen
Howard will you
make me about 3
pictures of each of these
real good because I
want them to come
out very good. Send
back the negative
please. Well I am very
glad to hear that you are
having a nice time with
your "Ford". Also and
glad that your mother
is well. I was not feeling
very well today but expect
to be better tomorrow. Gee
I don't know what to write
as there is not much
"news", only that H????
Johnsan thinks he is
president already and
I hope he never gets in.
Well I don't know
anything else to say
so I'll close.
Your friend
Write soon, please
send the pictures and
thanks for the larice.
Not a whole lot of new info here.She does not like Elmer and likes Grandpa to develop film for her. I wonder if he ever charged her for the pictures? I wonder if she only wanted him to develop pictures for little or nothing in exchange.
After a little bit of research I think I figured out the name of who was running for president at the time.
I think it was Hiram Johnson. Sept. 2, 1866-Aug. 6, 1945
He was a leading American Progressive and Isolationist politician from California. He served as the 23rd governor In California from 1911 to 1917. He was a senator from 1917 to 1945. He was Theodore Roosevelt's running mate in the 1912 presidential election on the progressive aka Bull Moose ticket. He ran for president in 1920 as a republican.
When he died his death was over shadowed by the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima, Japan.
As far as I know he is not related to grandpa in any way shape of form.
I wonder if the last word just might have been licorice.
Boy he like to send candy to the girls.
Now here are a few random pictures of unknown people.
These picture make me want to sing about the good old summer time.
I'm thinking that this a picture of kids from one school house. I'm not sure, as usual, who any of them are or what year it was taken.
This picture was taken in Appleton, Wis. The studio is a little hard to figure out. I think it might be H. G. Derbel. It's hard sometimes to figure out some of the writing.
Anyway, don't you just love her hat and that heavy coat she is wearing?
Well that's it for now so I will stop.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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