I hope you are enjoying the start of this Easter holiday. After getting snow,again. I think I will be too.
Any way with out further ado, here is Theresa's next letter.
I know it's a nice type written letter but here is what is says.
Dear Howard;
I received your letter a few days ago and have not had time
to answer it. I am down at work now, with a few minutes to spare
so I am going to write to you. So your a busy man too eh? Well my
mother leaves in a few weeks for Hayward. I just can't wait, oh
boy parties and everything. I was in St. Charles Saturday and did
not get home until Monday night. This is a little town forty miles
away. One of the girls at work lives out there and invited me to
spend the week end out there, so I did and such a time. I got in a
bathing suit Sunday morning at eleven o'clock and did not get out
of it till two o'clock Monday morning. You see this is a big sum-
mer resort and the people go swimming in the Fox river a few feet
away. We ate out dinner and supper in the suits and drove up the river
about two miles up to a fellows camp. There we had a victrola and
danced in our bathing suits. Some time you tell em match you have
been srtuck. Well I will have to close now as it is one minute before
time to work.
Your friend,
Theresa sounds like your typical teenager. Can't wait till her mother is gone so she can party.
I looked up the style of bathing suits for 1920 and here is what I found.
Just think how far we have come from this
to this.
She also mentioned a Victrola. This is what I found.
We have definitely come a long way.
As for St Charles along the Fox river, the population back in 1920 was 4,099. In 2012 it was 33,327.
I just wish I knew what the name of the resort was she stayed at. Oh well at least she had a good time.
Now for a few old pictures.
I don't know who is in this picture. I thought since she was talking about swimming I'd show you this one. It's hard to tell who they are but they are guys.
I don't know who they are. It was made into a postcard. I wonder what their message was in this picture.
I thought I would add this one because of the hat. It kind of reminds me of the song about "The Easter Parade". You know wearing your Easter Bonnet.
Well that's all I have to share with you this time.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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