I hope you had a good week. Mine was good. Wednesday night I got together with the people I was involved with in the play. It was a great time. I just hope we can find a way to get together every once in awhile. We were an amazing group on and off stage.
Enough of that, here is the next letter from Mary. I just hope it was put in the right spot because she did not put the date just the day and I think my uncle might have taken the stamp with the post mark.He collected stamps.
For those of you that have a hard time reading it, here is what it says:
Rib Lake Wis
Tuesday Eve.
Dear Howard-
I got one of your
letter yesterday and
one today. Well, I'm glad
you had a good time
at the party. In a way
it's a good thing I
wasn't there. We can't
dance during Lent and
you said you danced
a square dance. Did they dance
at her dances too? I guess they
did not have a very big crowd
at Mores Sat.
Rose stayed with me Sat.
eve so we went to show. It
was a dandy. I'll tell you about
it when I see you.
John, Felix and Paul
Viisnecki were in town Sunday.
You know the fellows I told
you about from camp. It's the
first time Paul was here.
They walked home with us
Sunday and stayed at Kauer's
till about 11 o'clock P.M.
We walked the track because
the roads were so bad and we
found an old hand car of Fuch's
so we took that. I pumped
it for a little ways
but oh, that was hard
work. John always wants
to know when the wedding
will be and if we will
invite him.
John Kauer was home
too, Sunday.
Anton my brother left this morning
so I s'pose he is there
by this time. I hope he
doesn't get too homesick
I know I would.
I'm not completely sure that this is the spot where this letter belonged but I think it kind of fits here.
With Mary being catholic she had to observe certain things or give up certain things, dancing being one of them.
As for walking the tracks she meant the railroad tracks and pumping on old rail cart.
I'm sure it looked something like this one.
I know now a days it is against the law to be on the rail road tracks. But like she said the roads were bad. You have to remember there were not very many paved roads.
Here are a few random pictures for you to look at.
I thought since she mentioned train tracks I would show you something with a train in it. I'm not sure where this is from. I also wonder if it still exists.
On the back of this one it says: Peter W. Johnson's funeral Feb. 15, '26. I wish I would have seen it sooner. I would have included it when they mentioned his death.
Just another portrait of someone that is no longer known.
Well that's all I have for you today. I hope you have a good weekend. Try to stay cool.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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