How was your weekend? Mine was good. The husband got a deer on Saturday Morning. An eight pointer. So We will have more meat for the freezer. Maybe before I sign off I will include a picture of him with his prize.
Anyway here is the next letter from Mary.
For those that find it hard to read, here is what is says:
Rib Lake Wis
Dec. 1, 1926
Dear Howard:-
Don't you think I
ought to get a prize for writ-
ing so many letters in one
week? Just think this is the
2nd one already. I'll get to
be a real handyman with
the pen by Xmas.
You asked me if I wanted
to go to your program. You
bet I do so I s'pose I'll have
to pray for good roads till
Maybe you'll have a new
girl by that time since 4 of
them came to see you in one
Mrs. Unger, she lives near the high school,
was just up here
to get a feather bed that Clara
gave her. She said she wanted
to make some cushions. That
made me wish that ma would
give me a feather bed so i could
make some pillows cause you
said you use about half a
How can you tell time
on your watch if you pasted
my picture inside of it? Gee, it
must be awful to have to
look at that so often.
If you see Anna Ronila
some time ask her how she
likes being married, will you?
But don't tell her I said so.
Then maybe she'll tell you
such a long sad story about
it that you'll be a bachelor
the rest of your days. Is her
husband here too or is
he just coming for Xmas/
I can't think of any more news
or questions to ask so
goodbye honey and don't
work too hard. X from M.K.
P.S. Can't you get Thomas to
baby you a little?
If it gets too lonesome
Sunday I'll start to argue
with Pete. How's that?
I wonder if Mary got a feather bed so she could use the feathers to make pillows for Grandpa?
The kind of watch Grandpa had was a pocket watch. I s'pose he put her picture on the opposite side of the watch.
Grandpa had this kind of watch for many years. I can't remember if anyone in the family still has the watch of not.
Not to much in this letter to comment on.
Here are a few random pictures for you to look at:
Not sure who this is. There is a date on the back of July 4, 1938.
This is Kelvin Metzer. Without his cowboy hat. I was told he often wears a cowboy hat.
Not real sure who is in this picture. The one closest almost looks like it could be George.
Well that's all have to share with you today. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Try not to over eat or over shop afterwards.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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