How are you? I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good. Short but drama free. As each weekend goes by it's getting colder. I wonder if the hunters will have any snow of gun season.
Enough of that, here is the next letter from Mary.
For those who find it hard to read here is what it says:
Rib Lake Wis
Oct. 22, 1926
Hello Howard:-
How are you coming
with your cold? Do you
think you'll make it till
spring, because I couldn't
pick any flowers now,
with all this snow on
the ground.
So you think Mary E.
was singing for you at
the hotel. I'll have
to talk to her once,
and tell her to quit mak-
ing such a racket. Well,
Mary Schneider quit at Mathias
and i guess they have a new
girl, but I don't know her.
We made out pretty
good at out basket social
even if the weather was
bad. They took in somewhere
around $40. That was pretty
good don't you think?
And who d'you s'pose had
my basket? Charlie. Pete
Fuchs had to pay $5.75 for
his. He's going with a Niggiman
girl and I guess that was
the only basket he bid on
so the boys knew it was her's
and raised it good and high
for him.
But I got a peach of a
cough out there. Mrs. Bogany
says she thinks I'll get whooping
cough their kids all have it.
We're all taking Sloan's
Liniment now.
Well, I don't know
any news or any thing
so I'll have to quit now
with best wishes and good
luck for you from
P.S. Who told you such
a fool story about me or
are you just joking.
Wouldn't I be tickled if it was? ed
Well it sounds like there was snow on the ground before the end of Oct. I wonder how much snow they had on the ground by Thanksgiving?
I know I've told you about basket socials before. It was the thing to do back then as a get together and and raise money for something or another. I wonder how much Charlie paid for hers. And why didn't Grandpa go? Or was his cold keeping him home?
As for Sloan's Liniment, I found a picture of it.
I wonder how well it worked?
I wonder what kind of fool story was being told about her? Will she ever say what it was or do we only have our imagination to go by?
Here are a few random pictures for you to look at.
This is Weberg Bro. threshing machine. No idea what year it was taken.
Grandpa & grandma Ecker
Fred & Francis
Ma & Pa (Grandma & Grandpa Johnson)
No idea who this is. It was taken at The Donner Studio 720 Collage Ave. Appleton, Wis. It could be a wedding picture.
Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back again for more faded history.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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