Hello all. The weekend is finally here. The only problem is it's suppose to be cool and on the damp side. Oh well, it is April 1st. Did you make it through the day with no tricks pulled on you? Or did you trick someone?
Enough about that, here is the next letter from Mary. I'm now back on track. As you can see she was in Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Sturgeon Bay
Thursday eve.
Dear Howard:-
I s'pose you got tired of
waiting already, but we just
got here at 5 o'clock this P.M.
Kitty & I and Agnes Demerath &
her sister. Pete went back to
Green Bay tonite and tomorrow
he is going home.
How did you get home Sun?
Was 102 alright to Chelsea or
didn't you take that road? You
know I told you we were going
out east of Wood Lake about a
mile and gee, I was tired
when we got home again.
Well, you'll get your cherries
pretty soon but I don't know
know how they taste, as I
did not eat any yet.
I don't know if I will be
able to write very much, I'm
in the recreation hall and
there is a heck of a lot of racket
here. Maybe I can write some
more after wards. They are
having a movie here in a
few minutes so I guess
I'll have to quit.
We had a pretty good
supper anyhow but I don't
know whether we'll be
Millionaires afterwards.
So long and good luck
from me.
Reynolds Orchards camp
Sturgeon Bay
It sounds like she had a good time getting the cherries and hanging out at the Orchard camp. I wonder if it still exists today. I might have to look it up.
I found this picture that is from the camp at about that time. Would spend time here to get cherries?
I'm not sure what her comment about being millionaires was about. Some times she throws the strangest things into a letter.
Here are a few random pictures for you to look at.
No clue who this is or when it was taken.
No clue who this is or when it was taken.
No clue when this was taken. Can you imagine haying like this today?
Well that's about all I have for you today.
I hope you did not fall for to many foolish pranks, I didn't.
I hope you will come back again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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