I hope this post finds you all well. We had a very rainy weekend here and it has not stopped. it's suppose to be a wet week. So not to much can be done outside right now.
Anyway, here is what I think is the next letter from Mary. The post mark of the month and day was hard to make out. It was either Oct or Dec. Not sure.
Here is what it says for those that find it hard to read:
Wausau, Wis
Wed. 7.30 A.M.
Hello Howard:-
You see I'm an early
bird. I get up before eight
o'clock in the morning. I
don't have to be to work
before nine so I t'hot I'd
write while I had time. I've
got the job that Beulah A.
had, she's gone to Milwaukee.
Now I have to work from
nine till six with an hour
and a half for dinner. I like
it real well. But I hope I
have off for Xmas because
I want to go home, else I'm
going to quit. Rose got a
letter from her sister from
Philadelphia and she wants
us to come there and stay
with her. Rose wants to go
but I don't know. I'd like
to go alright but its too
far away. I think I'd spend
half of my time crying and
wishing I was home again.
Well, I don't know much
else to write except that
its colder than heck outside.
it drifted all nite so I imagine
it will be hard walking. Oh
yes, I cried last nite, I dreamed
that Joseph got married and
didn't ask any of us to the
wedding. Well so long and
god bless you M.K.
Can you imagine having an hour and half for dinner? I only get 15 minutes for my dinner. I don't know what I would do with that much time except maybe read a book.
I wonder if Rose ever goes to Philadelphia?
Not a whole lot here, just a normal everyday kind of letter.
Here are two more viewer card from the Earthquake of 1906.
12. Refugees' camp at ball grounds in Golden Gate park.
13. Looking north up Mason st. from Eddy__ Ruins of the Fairmont $4,000,000 hotel.
The Fairmont was newly built and yet open. it survived the earthquake but not the fires. The owners, Herbert and Hartland Law chose a female architect by the name of Julia Morgan. It had a grand opening a year after the earthquake. I wonder how much it cost to rebuild it back then and how much it would be today.
Here is what it looks like today.

A lot of history in this place. The stories it could tell if it could talk.
Here is a random picture for you to look at.
I thought that since she mentioned drifts I would show one from the past. I know it's something you don't want to think about any more. You want summer. Me too. So look at this as a cold blast from the past.
Well that's all I have to share with you today. I hope you will come back again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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