Friday, May 13, 2016

Mary Kauer: Jan. 18, 1928 Wausau, Wis.

Hello Friends,
Another week done and the weekend ahead. It's suppose to be on the cool side here. Depending on where you live you might see a few snow flurries. I hope it does not happen here.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mary.

As always for those that find it hard to read here is what it says:

                           Wausau, Wis.
                            Jan. 18, 1928
Hello Howard:-
 I s'pose you think I'm a dandy
to wait so long before answering
but I haven'y improved any as
far as writing goes. I hate it as
much as ever. I just read
over one of the New Years
cards you sent me, and in the
verse that's on it, it says, "May
all the months roll swiftly
by." Now thats a heck of a
wish to have for me when you
know I'm an old maid already.
And if the time goes so fast I'll
soon have gray hair. I'd be a
sweet looking sight then, wouldn't
Rose isn't here any more, she
stayed home Xmas. I was home
too, I got home Xmas morning
about nine o'clock. We certainly
had one heck of a good time at the
wedding. Most of the company
stayed till three, but Mr. Lamberty
& Pete L., Anton Kauer & Joe, Mrs., and

Rose Kauer stayed until daylight.
Teacher was there & she stayed up
too & went to Medford right away
the next morning with Pete L. She
likes him as much as ever but
she keeps right on saying she
doesn't. Isn't that bull headedness?
But then I forgot, she's a Dutchman
too and what else can you expect.
Mary & Jos. got quite a few presents
and some real nice ones at that.
They both went back to work but
I guess they are going to leave
next spring. They were at our place
till after New Years and Mart said
she was glad when they left. She
and Mary don't agree very well.
But neither do I when she's around
me very much. It's a good thing
that she get's along better with Jos.
than she does with us or they'd soon
want a separation.
Well, I s'pose I shouldn't be
telling you all this junk. Ma
always says if she and Joseph
get along that's all that's necessary

because we don't have to live
with her. I guess you better
burn up this letter, it sounds
just like some gossiping old
hen, doesn't it?
  You said I should call you
up when I was home, but gee
Howard, I was scared to. And
what would your ma have
You said you had a sore hand
for about a month? How is it
now, any better? I hope so be-
cause I don't s'pose you like to
go around with one arm in a
bandage, especially if it's the
right one. How about it? Just
give an account of yourself. I
s'pose you had it around some-
body so long that it almost
froze and now you got rheumatism
in it. I really shouldn't feel
sorry for you at all, but I think
I will anyhow.
You remember that picture you
sent last time. It's out of a paper.
The woman is reading and the

man is washing the dishes. The name
of it is," Mary had a little lamb."
Now do you mean to tell me
that I look as big and moose-like
as she does? But gee, wouldn't
it be nice to have a man that
would do all the housework for
you? That's the kind I'm going
to be on the lookout for from
today on. So in case you know
of any you tell me and I'll put
in an application for him. But
I haven't much hope. The big
men aren't much good but the
little ones are no good at all.
The most of them are so crabby.
Well, so long, this is enough
dumheit for one day.
This letter is scribbler than
most, but maybe you can make
out some of it.
   So long and be good
to you.         Dutchee.

Well for someone who does not like to write much, boy can she write. Every time she says how much she hates writing she write a longer letter.
I wonder what was going on between the two of them. It almost sounds like a love hate relationship. If he had a sore arm I wonder if had anything to do with her or if she was being jealous for some reason.
She sure does like to put labels on people for what the were. The teacher must have been Dutch. But then again she is calling herself Dutchee.
It sounds like the wedding between Mary and Joseph finally happened and that everyone had a very good time. But she makes it sound like the other Mary is very hard to get along with.

Oh well, here is a random picture for you to look at.

Not sure what is going on here. The girl in the middle might be Mary.

Here are two more viewer cards from the Earthquake of 1906.

 22. City Hall from McAllister St., looking northeast-- Souvenir hunters in foreground.
23. Ruins of St. Ignatio's Catholic Church.

I wonder what kind of souvenirs they were able to find and how long they kept them.

Well, I guess that's about all I have to show you today. I hope you have a good weekend.
Don't forget to stop by again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your Friend,

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