Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mary Kauer & Rose: Dec. 19, 1927 Wausau, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good. On Saturday my husband and I spent the day with our girls over in Wausau. We had dinner together for Mother's Day and our youngest one's birthday, which was on May 5th. She is 28. After that the husband , me and our oldest went and saw the Movie, Captain America, Civil War. It was O.K. After that we shopped a little and went home. Sunday for Mother's Day my husband took me out to eat and then we bought a few plants to plant outside. The rest of the day was just a chill out.
Anyway, here are two letters, one from Mary and one from Rose. They were in the same envelope.

I decided to show you Rose first. As always for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                 Wausau Wis.
                 Dec. 18, 1927
Dear Howard:-
 I suppose you'll
be surprised to get
a letter from me
but as Mary is
writing and as I haven't
got any thing else

to do. I thought I'd write
you a few lines.
We are all O.K., hope the
same of you.
We like Wausau awfully
well but we're going back
to good old Rib Lake for
Xmas any way I am
I'm not saying for sure if
Mary is or not cause she
don't know whether she's getting
off or not well Howard guess
I better be quitting cause
I'm writing so scrawly you
won't be able to read it.

Anyway I wish you
a Very Merry Christmas
& a bright & happy New
as ever

And now here is Mary's letter:

                         Wausau Wis.
                        Sunday Eve.
Dear Hart:-
Well, first off I'm going
to wish you a merry Xmas
and a happy New Year. I
don't know whether I'll be
home or not this year but
I hope so. It wouldn't seem
much like Xmas if I'd have
to stay here, although I
must say I like my job,
my boarding place and
Wausau in general, real
Anton is coming home,
I think he's home today already
but John isn't coming this
year. That's heck, because I'd

miss him if I do go home and
he isn't there.
You asked me what I'm doing
Well, inspectress. I have to
look over the rooms and
see that they are all right and
such stuff. I work from 9 to 12
and then from 1:30 to six. I must
say that I like it awfully well.
We went on a sleigh ride last
Sat. eve and there we about
40 of us and the sleigh tipped
over. You should have
seen us. I guess we were an
awful looking sight with
our heads buried in the
snow. One girl sprained her neck
and the other one hurt her
ankle but it wasn't bad.
Well, so long and good luck
and Best Wishes from

I wonder if either one of them made it back home that year?
At least it sounds like they both enjoyed their jobs.
I like her job title, "Inspectress" It sounds like it was someone who checked rooms before a guest moved in to it.
The sleigh ride sounded like it was fun until it tipped over. It must have been a big sleigh if it held 40 people. But I'm sure there was more then one sleigh for all those people. I wonder if there was any law suits. I know if that happened today there would be some big law suits.
This was the last letter from 1927.
So the next time you drop by it will be a new year.

Here are two more cards from the viewer cards of the Earthquake of 1906.

 20. City Hall--Photographer in foreground--Tall brick chimneys left standing.
21. View from Moulder School distributing station showing tons of flour on sidewalk.

I wonder how long all that flour lasted.

Here is a random picture for you to look at.

I didn't have another sleigh picture but here is a wagon and horses. I have a correction. This is a manure spreader.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you find yourself coming back again for more Fading History.
Till next time.
Your friend,

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