I hope you had a good weekend. Mind was good. I had a busy day on Saturday. I went to the Edgar steam show. If you like old tractors and flea markets, it's a good place to go. Lots of walking and and a lot of things to look at.The weather on Saturday was cloudy but while we were there it didn't rain.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
May 15/28
"Dear Howard"!
well how are you
getting along out there
Howard, I hope just fine.
Was very pleased with
your letter always enjoy
reading them.
Today is my day off so
I was down Chicago most
of the day but now I am
back - If it doesn't
rain tonight I am
going down to the
lake get some good
fresh air & steal some
lilac blossoms, don't
you want to come along?
Really everything looks
wonderful out doors it
sure is hard to work inside
in weather like this.
You asked me when I was
coming home oh, either for
the 4th of July or little later
it all depends. I sure am
anxious to go home again
seems ages since I was
Well last Sunday was Mother's
Day- The people here all wore
either a red or a white
carnation that was to signify
whether you have a mother
or not. If living they wore a
red one if dead why a white
one. Many times I wish
my mother was still living.
Imagine pretty soon is
Decoration Day. We all get off
that day so I sure am glad.
A bunch of us are planning on
taking a trip to Milwaukee some
time but I'm hoping we can
sometime this month. It's
such a long time since I was
there that I have almost
forgotten what it looks
like. I'm able to travel
Chicago pretty well now
but still I could get lost
if I didn't watch my step.
Well Howard, it seems I'm
so out of news I don't know
what to write - You always
can write such long ones
& interesting-
How is your radio? I am
pretty tired of them things you
can't help but hear it every
where you go here in the
city. At times I think I would
rather have a phonograph
then that-
Did you hear or read about
the three great flyers
that came to Chicago the
other Day. Many of them
are trying to see if they
can beat Lindberg's speed
but I don't think they
have done it yet.
We will have to try &
beat them or else no
one else will, will they
I am getting hungry
now I guess I will run
down in the kitchen &
see what I can find in
the line of food.
Gaw I would love a
strawberry shortcake, oh my!
Well Howard, I think I
shall proceed & close
this letter of mine oh I
bet you get tired of reading
these letters, well I don't
blame you if you do.
I really hope I can hear
from you soon again.
Be a good boy now
and write soon.
I remain
Your friend
I wonder if she was able to get back home to Phillips after the 4th or not.
What do you think of the tradition back then with the carnations? I think it is something that should have stayed. Maybe it should be started again.
As for Decoration Day it is now called Memorial Day.
Which do you like better?
I think she meant Charles Linbergh. The year before he had done his famous trip across the Atlantic.
I wonder why she didn't like radios? But in a way I can understand why she does not like listening to so much at once every where you go.
I wonder if she got to have strawberry short cake?
Well here are two more viewer cards from The Fun With Friends set:
These cards are faded so I did my best to darken them.
I wonder if I will ever find out who took these pictures.
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
I think this is Grandpa with a couple of chickens. No idea how old he was, if this is him.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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