The start of another week. I hope you had a good weekend, mine was drama free. The weather was not to bad this weekend, at least around here. But now we are headed back into the humid temps and of course more rain. Oh well, what can you do.
Here is the next letter from Nellie:
As always, for those that have a hard time reading it, is what it says:
485 Lake Shore Road
Dear Howard:-
I am trying to answer
your this mornings letter which
I thought was very interesting.
The weather over here in Manchester
is quite cold. We had a snow storm
that lasted from Saturday eve. to
Tuesday morning and we got
quite a lot of snow but it
rained at the same time and
melted the snow as fast as
it fell. We are having some more
muddy roads now. Today is
the first fair day we have had
since Saturday and it seems
nice to have some more fair
weather. How is the weather out
there where you live, Howard? My
cold is still with me, but it
isn't so bad as it was. How is
the world using you, Howard?
Even if it is an old ford you can
get along just as fast, huh?
Hazel sure was glad to hear from
Thomas too. I suppose he got her
answering letter and has it back
on its way, heh? They seem to be
getting ahead of us Howard I
guess we will have to start
putting rush or something on
our letters so we won't be so
far behind them. I bet you have
received about fifty letters from
other members and I suppose
they all live nearer to you than
I do don't they. About all the
fun we (Hazel & I) have in the summer
time is cutting down through the
woods and going fishing down
to Lake "Massabesic" it isn't no
more than five or ten minutes
walk down through the woods.
You bet your life I like to
read jokes, I could read them
all the time, if they are good ones. Ha Ha
What is that one you know.
Hazel said she heard that one some
time ago but has forgotten it. I
suppose I told you in my last letter
that we sent away for a film so
we could take some pictures to send
away, well it came today with your
letter and will try and have some
pictures ready to send by the time
I get your next letter.
I am closing now with thoughts
Bye Bye be ready to
maybe a run when From a friend
picture in you get it. Nellie
the next Ha Ha
letter. Ha. Ha.
( written on the inside flap of the envelope)
Violets love the sunshine
Lillie's love the dew
Angles in heaven know
I love you x ha. Ha.
It sounds like they were have a last snow storm with rain. it must have been a very sloppy mess. And for it to last as long as it did must have caused a lot of head aches.
It sounds like Thomas and Hazel were writing to one another. I wonder how long they corresponded? I doubt I will ever find out.
She mentioned a lake Called Massabesic. I found an old postcard on the internet. Here is what it looks like:
Since it is now used for drinking water today, they do not allow swimming or water skying.
It sounds like Nellie liked to laugh which is a good thing. I'm not sure exactly how funny Grandpa was back then but I do know how much my Dad and his siblings like a good joke. You know the old saying, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." I think it applies to my family.
I'm not sure if there will be a picture in the next letter or not. I guess we will just have to wait and find out.
Here are the next two viewer cards from the Childhood Fun set:
"Now, Look Pleasant, Please."
The Young Hunter's Reverie.
I like the little girl trying to take a picture of a cat and dog. I like all the flowers around her.
I wonder what this young hunter and his dog were hunting and were they successful?
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
This might be a picture of the first two girls I shared with you. Katheryn and Theresa and their siblings. This picture is really faded. I did my best to darken it so it could be seen better on the computer then it really does.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will back again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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