I hope everyone had a very good Thanksgiving. Mine was good. No drama, just the way I like it. I went to my parents house. My girls were not there. The youngest one went with her husband to has Grandparents house and my oldest one, well lets just say she doesn't do family get to gathers and leave it at that.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Chicago Ill
July 29, 1928
Dearest Howard.
Received your darling
letter and sure was
glad to hear from you
well how is every
thing at Ogema-
Same as ever I suppose
Suppose you are busy
haying eh Sure I
was there I would
help you. Wouldn't
that be some help eh
Maybe don't mean
maybe either ha! ha!
Are they still having
dances at Reinberg
Have you been out
there lately.
So you ever see
Violet around there
or maybe she is still
at ("Tomahawk")
Imagine she is enjoying
herself there ha!
Haven't called Walter
either as I didn't know
how to spell his
last name.
So there ever when you
write him next
tell him to call me
My telp. no is ( Palisde 8247)
That would be
more prayer eh!
Sure would like
to meet him and
see the good looking
sheik of course don't
tell him that as he
might think that I
am trying to flatter him
How is Clarence getting
along. Haven't
to him yet. So you
see what a busy
little girl I am__
Is John still going
with Sabrina and
how I suppose
So Gladys and Lennea
was home. heard all
about it. Suppose
you are all in some
how of deep eh.
You take my advise
and be a good boy
as always___
You know ha! ha!
Well dear I haven't
any news in particular
I will sign off my
broadcasting station for
this night
With heaps of love & kisses
Can't think of
those jokes this time
but will copy them
and send them later
Greet Thomas S.W.A.K.
I wonder if she ever hooked up with Walter?
I know I got some of the names wrong. I just hope I was close on the spelling of them though.
I like the way the ends her letters. It's like she is signing off on the radio.
I wonder how often she was able to come up this way to visit people?
For those of you who don't know about the phone number, that's the way they did it back then. All with operators not like today where everything is done by computers.
Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set:
19. Administration Building, Panama.
20. Hotel, Agua Dulce Port, Panama.
This is what the administration building looks like today.
As for the second picture, I tried to see if I could find a more up to date picture but couldn't find one. So there is a good chance it doesn't exist anymore.
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
Since she mentioned haying, I thought I would show you one. I think it is Grandpa on the tractor baling hay.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope everyone has a very enjoyable weekend. Be careful if you go shopping it could be more of an adventure then you bargained for.
Came back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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