Boy that was an interesting kind of week. We have a new possible leader or is he called president elect. Whatever. Time will see what kind of history this will be. You know 100 years from now, how will it be looked at.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mary Mattingly:
As usual I will try my best to copy what she wrote but it is always very hard so bare with me:
Willisburg Ky
July 13 1928
Dear Howard
I received your most welcome letter
to day was glad to hear from you and hear
you was in. Saying life I am to I didn't
go any place the 4th of July our church
had a picnic but I didn't get to
go we was be far behind with our hay
it is so rainy here on it was dry mix
to mark the 4 of July and I have tobacco
I would love to meet after I couldn't our
big meeting is going on now this will
on next we are having a good meeting
I think I wish you was here to go with
me it is hot here now the crape
loaf fine But it is okay with for now
Well I haven't got my pictures just but
I think I will have them and get you
with a some I have I will for & need
to send you one in return a far the one
you sent me I was glad to get yours and
I guess you will be to so i will close
for this time answer soon
from your loving Friend
Mary Mattingly
to Howard
I know I got a lot wrong but I tried. Maybe you can do better then I did. Maybe I would have done better if I was more rested. Sometimes I'm a little tired from work. Well that and the time change doesn't help any. I'm not sure if there is a picture of her somewhere or not or if she has not sent one yet.
Time will tell.
Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set :
11. Crossing Chagres River, Panama.
12. Ditch at Cut, Colon, Panama.
These two show scene's from the area where they were starting to work on the Panama Canal.
Here is a more up to date picture of the Chagres River:
I wonder if it could have been taken around the same area?
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
I'm not sure if I have shown you this one before or not. I do not know who this is or when it was taken . I was taken in Kaukauna Wis. by H.J. Wagner.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today. I hope you have a good weekend.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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