I hope everyone had a good weekend and didn't have to many problems with snow like we did around here. We got about 7 inches this weekend. Now it will be getting very cold. Below zero. Not looking forward to that.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mabel:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
La Grange Ill. August 10 1928
Dearest Sweetheart.
I received your most
Loving letter. sure glad
to know you love me
still honey. I think we
could be happy dear Lord
I sure would love to
have you come and
see me dearest? I am
glad you are Swedish
then. I got my rationality
I never thought I would
get a Swedish fellow or
rather married Swedish
I have a lovely sweet
mother. We own our
house. We have 9 rooms
a nice lawn and Big
yard. I have a dear
sister dead. Her name
was Lillian. well.-
dear I'm very affectionate
I hate my nature. only I'm
a little bit too sensitive
I like affection I have a
strong constitution Listen
dear send me a picture
a Bigger one in your suit
Won't you. Your name
sure is pretty I was
Busy today Listen
can't you come up here
and visit me dearest
if you love me you
will honey. I'm sure
I trust you will it's
impossible for me this
summer to come as
mother isn't well. and
I can't leave her. I'm
thinking of you often
I'm getting thin thinking
of you. I'm trusting that
you will be my
future husband if it's
gods will. We will Pray
about it. You to-
dearest. Be sure and
come.- I'm in Love
with you even tho I
haven't seen you. I talked
with a minister and he
said he thinks I ought
to pick you out because
a Christian means a
lot too me. I can't
live without god. be
so good and kind
and merciful to us
and hope you still
Love god. Well I think
I will close as it's Bed
time. So Bye Bye. Howard
xxxxx Your Loving
xxxxxxxx girl Mabel
xxxxxxxx Write soon
xxxxxxxx and answer
She did include a pamphlet. So here it is:
I was hoping there was a copyright date but there was none.
It always make me giggle a little when someone says Howard is such a pretty name.
She was doing her best to become Grandpa's number one. I always wonder what was going through his mind when he read a letter like this one.
Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Jamaica 1907" set:
5. Burning dead bodies on the Produce Wharf, Kingston.
6. The residence of the Governor of Jamaica.
That must have been the worst thing to do back then. Burning bodies. I suppose they had to do it that way because of the number of people that were killed at once.That is something I don't see being done today, do you?
Here is an update picture of the Governor's residence:
I think it is the same building but modernized .
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
Do idea who they are but they are dressed for cold weather, like today.
Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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