How was your week? Mine was kind of uneventful except for the weather. It was so cold here on Thursday it snowed. We had about an inch on the ground. But the good thing is it is melting. I sure hope this the last time we see snow on the ground until sometime in November.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Chicago Ill
Sat. Afternoon
Dearest Sweetheart
Received your dear letter and
sure was glad to hear from
you again
Well hows the world treating
you now days. Hope fine
and dandy as it is treating
Are you still having cold
weather as usual. It has
been real spring weather here
the last few days. But-
suppose it won't last long.
It is so lonesome this afternoon
as I am all alone home as
Margaret has to work until 4 o'
clock and the rest went out - so
thats that. I'm tired so decided
to stay home and rest.
Am going out to show to-
night with another couple. We
are going to see (The Terror)
Sounds spooky- ha! ha!
To-morrow a few of us girls are
going to a dance at the Milford hall)
Margaret still goes to the Swedish dance
but I haven't been there for a while
as they sure are a rough bunch.
more like Renberg I guess. So
don't think I care to go any more
as there sure are better places then
that to go to.
It sure was to bad about
Clara R. wasn't it, poor kid. I
hope she will get well again
No I haven't seen or heard any
thing from Walter for the longest
time guess he has forgotten all
about me ha! ha!
Well honney there isn't any
thing to write about and have
about 6 more letters to answer but
haven't any patience writing
any more so think I will go
and take my (beauty nap) ha! ha!
Will close with heaps of (Love & Kisses)
Your Sweetie
at once
I wonder what happened to Clara R. Will I ever find out?
I think Walter has finally stop contacting her for good.
Just a nice simple letter.
I looked up the movie she mentioned. It was made in 1928.

This was the second all talking film released by Warner Bro.
As you can tell it was a horror show.
This is the description from Wikipedia
I think I would watch it, how about you?
"The Terror", a killer whose identity is unknown, occupies an English country house that has been converted into aninn. Guests, including the spiritualist Mrs. Elvery and detective Ferdinand Fane, are frightened by strange noises and mysterious organ music. Connors and Marks, two men just released from jail, have sworn revenge upon "The Terror". Following a night of mayhem that includes murder, the identity of "The Terror" is revealed.[1]
Locked in tight- these boats from the Two Rivers fishing fleet are shown before the United States coast guard patrol boat Perry was able to break a narrow channel for them. Ice conditions in the Two Rivers harbor are the worst since 1904 according to veteran fishermen, and the ice at the harbor mouth was so thick that the fishermen were able to get off the boats and walk around while the channel was being broken. The Perry is in the background.- Paul J. Brawn Photo.
This was almost to big for the scanner but I got it to work.
Here is a page from the Joke Book:
Enjoy. I like the cartoon. How about you?
Finally a random picture:
A classmate named Jim. Class of 1960. No idea what his last name is. Don't you just love his hair?
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading HIstory.
Till then.
Your friend,
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