Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Helen Balusik: Jan 22, 1929 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was great. We had a baby shower for my youngest daughter on Saturday. it went very well. On Sunday morning, my husband and I went for our second hike on the Ice Age Trail. It took us about 3 hours and ten minutes to hike 6.8 miles. We are doing on out and back which it means we are going to be hiking it twice in a way. The more I do it the better the hikes will get, I hope.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                 Phillips, Wis.
                       Jan. 21-29
Dear Howard:-
   Sorry I am so late in
answering your letter but
I really didn't feel much like
writing the past week or so.
I sure felt sick I guess I had
the touch of flu- would have
liked to be in bed but there
was no one else to help pa
so I had to stick it out some
how. Now I'm almost feeling
myself. It sure is a grand
and glorious feeling too.
My, but isn't it a grand
night out? Moonlight
too at that-Ha Ha.
Sometimes I can't wait

till winter is over again. always
lasts so long, don't it?
I suppose you heard Petes car
burned or did I tell you? He
had it insured but the insurance
company only wanted to pay him
a small amount, so he isn't
settled with it yet. Aren't you glad
that wasn't your luck?
The young folks sure have
plenty of parties around here-
Was to one Saturday and tomorrow
night there giving a surprise
party on one of the girls that
came from the city. So at least
a person doesn't get lonesome
other wise would be like

out in the praries here.
I sure had a snap today
sometimes I only pick up the
guitar and practice a little on
it or else fool around some
how. When summer comes
it will be a different story there
won't be time for fooling around.
Yesterday I was to church the
Minister gave us a fine sermon
Wished you could have heard it.
I heard from Anna Novy today
she says Frank is in Michigan
I suppose traveling around
looking for work.
Yes that is Anna's oldest

brother that bought that car
with false checks. He is in jail
now till March. Anna feels
so bad about it. Poor kid, she
has her share of troubles.
Well Howard, I suppose you are
busy listening to the radio by
now for it's almost eight o'clock.
Be good to yourself and
write again.
      I remain
        Your Friend
           As always

Well between not feeling well and going to parties, she was a busy girl.
I wonder how many bad checks Anna's brother wrote to get a car and how long he ended up sitting in jail?
I guess I'll never know.
I wonder what kind of things Grandpa listened to on the radio?

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Drifted roads and sever cold meant nothing to Monroe county residents last week-end and
hundreds went to Tomah for a chopping contest put on by the Tomah Advancement asso-
ciation. Twelve choppers, representing as many different communities, participated and some
pf them are shown above at work. Fred Arndt, Sparta won; Joe Honish, Clifton was second
and Jesse Schultz, Tomah, was third.

I wonder how long the competition lasted?

Here is a page from the joke book:

"Who takes him out?"

Not sure who is asking this question.

Here is a random picture:

No idea when this one was taken.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope the rest of your week goes very well with no unnecessary drama.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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