Friday, December 8, 2017

Edna: Oct. 2, 1931 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well, it's the end of yet another week. It finally feels like December out there. I think it is here is stay. What do you have planned for the weekend? As for me, I think we will be getting new tires for the car. After that, anything can happen.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Edna aka Eddie:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                         Chicago, Ill.
                         October 1, 1931
Dear friend Howard-
I really am going to send
this letter. I have written quite
a number of them and thot I
had mailed them, but a few
day later came across it. Don't
for a minute get the idea that
I am squirming around trying
to find an excuse, because
it really is the truth.
Well, how have you been?
I am fine, but ever since my
vacation have been terribly busy.
We moved our office and then
last Sat. we moved to a new
apartment. It is much nicer
and a lot more room. We
like it ever so much better. We
have a bedroom, living room,
in-a-door, 2 big clothes closets,
bathroom, dinette,& kitchenette, and
we have a phone too. That is

what I like. I don't like to
be called to the phone by
Two weeks ago this coming Sun.
Gladys Holm, 3 other girl friends
of ours and myself went horse
back riding out in the forest
preserves. We sure had a good
time. (All Swedes). 2 of these girls
have cute little roadsters and
Gladys drives their Studebaker
a lot so we have very good
times together. This girl who
drove last Sun. had dropped
all the other girls off and
was taking me home, when
lo! and behold! we got a flat
tire. She didn't have a wrench
or anything with her, so we
had to call a garage and have
them send a man over to put
on the spare.- and the funny
part was we were in such
a hurry to get home. The Thursday
night before we rode in Lincoln
Park. This coming Sunday Gladys
H. is driving up to Round Lake to
ride. We will be about 6 I guess.

I really like to ride a lot, but
didn't ride all summer. Every
time I planned on going some-
thing turned up.
We are going to have a house-
warming party here in a couple
of weeks. Hope we have a good
Gladys (sister) is leaving the latter part
of this week with her patient.
They are going direct to Detroit,
will spend a week there and
then they go to New York for
a couple of weeks. Her patient
has "Three weeks of Fun" planned-
They are going places, do thing,
and see a few sights. I am
sure it will be nice for them
both. They made several
short trips this summer and
early fall, but these were
made in her car, her chauffeur
driving. She is a rich old
dame and I don't mean "Maybe".
well, Howard, we sure had
a good time that night up at

your house on the hill. Linnea
and I have talked about it often.
I hadn't been to an "out-door"
party like that since I used to
live at home, and you know
that hasn't been recently.
Well, now just because I
was so negligent that doesn't
mean that you are privileged
to do so. Write as soon as you
find time.
                    As B/4

Well it sounds like she had a very good summer, sometimes anyway. Riding around in all of those different kind of cars. I wonder if Gladys Holm is the same Gladys that wrote the other letters I've shown you. Someone I work with knew a little about her. He told me she was a cousin of his Grandpa's. She never married but she did become very wealthy. She left her money to a children's hospital when she died.She was known as "The Teddy Bear Lady". I found a story about her. She died in June 1996 at the age of 86. She left $18 million dollars to The Children's Memorial Hospital. The largest sum ever donated at that time. Find the stories and you will be amazed how special she was. Maybe once I'm done with the letters I will do little stories about some of the people I've shown you. At least the ones that had some kind of family around here.
As for the outdoor party that Grandpa gave, it's still a family tradition to do this. My family have get together's every once in awhile at our family cabin. It must be in our blood.

Anyway, here is a picture from the scrap book. 1936:

The arrow in this picture of high water at S. Ninth and W. Harrison sts., shows the highest point Kinnickinnic there.- Journal Staff Photo.

It must have been quite the show watching the ice and high water. Notice the guys with the long sticks trying to guild the ice under the bridge.

here are a few pages from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs". 1956:


Finally here is a random picture:

No idea who this is or when it was taken.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good weekend.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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