Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Ethel Lundstram: Feb. 8, 1932 Ogema, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I know there are a number of places that are not doing well. Mostly on the West coast. Southern California is still on fire and now there has been an Amtrak train derailment in Washington state. As I'm typing this I just heard about it on Monday. They have not said how many people have lost their lives yet. It sounds like it was something that is very horrific.
Anyway, here is a chain letter from Ethel Lundstram;

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

    Good Luck Chain
Please make nine copies and
mail to those whom you wish
to see prosper. Within 29 hours
after you receive this. this
chain was started by an
American Colonel and must
circle the globe 15 times. It
will bring luck in nine days.
So please do not break the
chain. Prof. Mrs. Alphine won
9 millions. Mr. William Hayes
won 6 million. Mr. Frances
broke the chain and lost
all of his possessions. Have
faith your happiness depends
upon it. Recopy eliminating

the first name as mine only
must remain. Mrs. R mcMullins
to Mrs. Berta Bennett. Mrs.
Berta Bennett to Mrs. Elfert
Carter. Mrs. Elfert Carter to
Mrs. Pearl Sanford. Mrs. Pearl
Sanford to Ruth Bennett. Ruth
Bennett to Dora Mann. Dora
Mann to Miss Mary Esser.
Miss Mary Esser to Mrs.
George Gulberger. Mrs. George
Gulberger to Miss Marie Acker.
Miss Marie Acker to Miss
Ethel Lundstram and Miss
Ethel Lundstram to Mr Howard

I wonder how long this chain letter was around. Did Grandpa send the nine letters out?
Would you pass a letter like this on or just toss it out?
If you want to share it with someone maybe I should add my name to it before you pass it on.
Just add. Mr. Howard Johnson to Sandy. Sandy to you.
Go for it.

Here is a picture from the scrap book. 1936:

  Norris dam is completed- thousand attended the dedication ceremonies at Norris, Tenn., and the picture shows the scene as the last sluice gate in this section of the TVA project was closed.- A. P. Wirephoto.

What an exciting time watching the dedication of this dam.
Is this dam still being used today and how much work has it had over the years?

Here are few pages from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:


Finally, a random picture:

No idea where this or when it was taken. I thought that since the scrap book picture had to do with a dam I would show you another one.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good week and don't forget to come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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