I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was uneventful. It was colder then I like on Saturday but Sunday kind of made up for it. Anyway here is the next letter from Theresa. It is the last one from 1920.
As always here is what it says in case it's hard to make out.
Dec 28, 1920
Dear Howard;
I received your
box of stationary and
don't know how to thank
you. It is such a beautiful
gift and something I
needed so badly. Well I
hope you had a nice
Christmas and hope it
is not as cold out there
as it is here. We had
such nasty weather until
about two or three days
before Christmas and then
it sure did snow. It has
been so awfully cold that
I am afraid to go outside
of the house. I hope Santa
Claus was good to you I
know he was to me. I got
a big Kodak picture book
from Lucile so I can paste all
of your pictures in it.
I have been leading a
pretty wild life, going to
The Green Mill Gardens,
Rainbow Gardens, up to the
Blackwood Hotel and dancing
every nite but I have decided
to stay in tonight. I sup-
pose all this sounds like
Greek to you but they are
places where everybody
can't go to. I don't go with
Kate anymore on account
of being so far away. Well I
am not so awfully sorry
because I am getting into
a much better crowd and
the fellows can afford to
spend something on you.
I am awful I know but
Oh daddy nothing like a
good time. I expect to
come to Hayward this
year so we will see each
other again. Well I guess
I will close now hoping
to hear from you soon.
Give my best regards to
your mother and dad and
wish them all a Happy
New year. Save some of
it for yourself.
As Ever
Well where to start. How about the stationary? I'm guessing that the paper she wrote this letter on is part of the stationary Grandpa sent to her. It was a must have back then to have something to write on. Much like having a computer is a must have now-a-days.
As for the Kodak picture album I think I found a picture of one that could have been used at that time.
Boy would I like to see the pictures he sent to her.
The different places she mentioned sounded like fun places to get together.
Like The Green Mill Gardens.
Rainbow Gardens looks like a good place to dance to some good Jazz.
This is a postcard of a Blackwood Hotel. I'm thinking it had a good place to go to some good dancing to the music of the time.
I sounds like Theresa and Katheryn's friendship just might be over. It looks like Theresa is more of a free spirit kind of gal and Katheryn is not. I guess it was a matter of time before the friendship would end. They both wanted to experience life in different ways. And with Theresa moving farther away it was easier to end the friendship claiming distance. Plus I think Theresa like to be spoiled by the boys.
The way I like to look at friendships is this. You have people you are real close with through school but once school is over the chance that your friendship will be the same is slim. So if you are still close friends with people you were close with in school, it's a very special thing to hold on to.
I wonder if I'll ever find out what happened to any of the people I'll be sharing with you? Or will it always be faded history never to thought about again.
Here are a few pictures of friends from the past.
I wonder how many of them stayed friends for many years.
If anyone ever knows anyone from anything I post don't be afraid to let me know their story.
Well that's all I have for today.
So till next time.
Your friend,
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