Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Theresa Lambert; Oct 16, 1921 Hayward, WI

Dear Friends,
How was your weekend? Mine was calm. No drama for me. How about you?
Here is the next letter from Theresa. it looks like she had gone to Hayward again.
This letter is hard to read because the pencil is on the light side. So here is what is says.

                                                Hayward Wisc.
                                                  Oct 16, 1921
Dear Howard;
     We arrived safely about
four thirty Sunday afternoon.
I am going to town this afternoon
for the first time. This We cleaned
the car all up and had an awful
time because the sand and rain
made a regular cement on the
wheels. One of the girls just
came up so I won't be able to
write much. She and I are
going to town and I want to
mail my letters. we found the
farm in a fair shape. I am going
to take some pictures if the sun
comes out tomorrow. If they
are any good I will send one or
two. Well will close now
hoping to hear from you soon.
             As Ever

I was a little surprised to see that Theresa had gone to Hayward so soon.
I kind of chuckled when I read about having to clean the car off after they arrived. But back then there were not very many paved roads. Nothing like we have now a days.
Roads could have looked something like this.

Especially if it had been raining.
And speaking of raining here are a couple of pictures from the scrap book.
Raising waters of the Minnesota river flooded a basin near Shakopee, Minn., covered a 500 yard stretch of  highway with a foot of water. Stakes driven at the road's edge marked the highway for the motorists.

Charles Drinks, a farmer living near Greenville Corners, which is seven miles west of Appleton surveys his private flood. A creek which runs between his barn and chicken house has overflowed.

I thought with all the flooding that has been going on I would share with you floods from a time gone by.

This is suppose to be the time that farmers are baling hay. I thought I would share with you an old fashion way of putting hay in the barn.

 I'm not sure when this was taken but I'm thinking the 19 teens.
On the back it says," one of the neighbor boys and our hay load by my barn.
We have come a long way where it comes to putting hay in the barn."

Not all hay is like this. There are some that do it with small square bales. My husband does both. But the weather is making it hard to get done right now.

Here is a random picture.
Looks like a happy group to me. How about you?

Well that's all I have for you today.
So till next time.
as ever yours,

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