I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a very wet kind of week.
Well here is the next letter from Theresa.
It is easy to read but here is what is says anyway.
Chicago Ill.
Oct. 30-21
Dear Howard;
I received your
letter when I was in Hayward
but as we were going to
leave in a few days I
thought I might just as
well wait till I got home.
Gee its raining so
hard you would think
the whole lake Michigan
was coming down on us.
I have been home almost
a week and haven't written
to anybody and I thought
this was a pretty good
day to kick on.
I have been stepping high
ever since I have been
home. I was going to see
a football game this
afternoon but the rain
has put its lid on everything.
Well I guess I will
ring off. Remember me & mother to
your folks.
As ever
P.S. How did the pictures
turn out? If any good send
them up and I will pay
you for them.
The girl sure does get around. I still wonder what the draw to Hayward was for her.
I wonder how much rain they did get around that time that she says it's like Lake Michigan is coming down on them. Kind of like now in some places. Anyone want to start building that ark now? Kidding. This just tells us that the rain has come down more then we like before and will continue to do that.
I wonder what football game she was going to see but because of the rain she did not.
Maybe it looked something like this one.
Anyway here a few pictures I picked out for your viewing.
This is a picture of all of Grandpa's and Grandma's children. I know it's a winter picture but right now it's a little muggy outside and I thought maybe a cold picture might make you feel a little cooler.
I cute picture of a baby from I think my Grandma's side of the family. The studio was H.S. Jerbel, I think, from Appleton, WIS.
In honor of my up coming birthday, I thought I would share a picture of my Grandparents and me. Notice how thrilled Grandpa is about me.
Well that's about it for now. I hope you all have a good weekend and don't forget to sit back and relax when ever possible.
Till next time.
as ever,
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