I hope this post finds you all well. Did you have a good weekend? I did. I did get a little sun burned from sitting on my deck painting some gnomes that were faded. Plus my daughter found her wedding dress.
Anyway here is the next letter from a new person. Her name is Ann Lundgren, I think. The letter is signed a friend but it was in an envelope that had her name on it, so I am assuming it was from her. But the envelope has a Duluth, Minn address. Here is the letter.
As usual here is what it says:
Catawba, Wisconsin
Jan. 21, 1923
Hello there,
As there is nothing
else to do, I thought I
might as well write a
few lines.
I like it here fine
now, we have much
fun playing games al-
most every night after
The weather has been
quite cold and we have
had many snowstorms
Well I guess there
is too much snow to
run with cars now, but
it is dandy sleighing
for the loggers.
I suppose the men
around home are all
busy logging, the same
as over here.
news is scarce so I
will close.
From a friend
She does not say to much. She does say something about sleighing so I tried to find some kind of a sleigh. I didn't find one in the old pictures but I did find one in the scrap book.
No room for all five
on this sled so Marie
and Cecile ride while An-
nette, Yvonne and Emilie
prepare to push.
If your wondering who the are they were very famous in the 1930's. They are the Dionne quintuplets. The first known set of identical quintuplets to survive at that time. The scrap book has a number of pictures of them.
I think I already showed you a picture of Ann Lundgren so here it is again.
She might be the one on the right. I'm not sure if I have any more pictures of her or not. This is the only one so far I have found that has her name on it.
As for the games from that time. Here are a few pictures of games from that time.
Just a few games they could have played back then.
She was talking about logging so I'm including another picture of logging back then.
So idea who any of the guys are. It could have been taken at Mackey Spur.
here is another picture of Grandpa in has younger years.
Well news is scarce so I will close for now.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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