I hope this letter finds you all well. I'm fine and looking forward to the weekend which for me is starting a day early. No work for me today.
This next letter is from a new girl. Her name is Anna Raseens. This letter as you see is six pages long. It's written in pencil and has faded a bit. So here it is.
I'll do my best to write what she wrote the way she wrote it. If you notice written in the upper left corner upside down is her name and address.
Anna Raseens
237 E. Pine st.
Then it is written right side up in the other corner.
237 E. Pine St.
Ironwoood, Mich.
June 13, 1923
Dear friend:- I thought
I would write a few
lines and let you know
I remember you still
and that I yet have
not croaked. I am
very sorry I didn't
see you that nite
but I suppose you
was busy Wednesday
and Thursday I was
I'm not very good
in writing but hope
you can make out.
I have been twice
to show at the theater
and one nite I was
to the Hall to a play
it lasted from 8 oclock
to 12.00. It certainly
was good I'm sorry
you missed it. I
went church yesterday
but couldn't stay
I felt kind of bum
so I went to a
Chiropracter and
He asked me to stay
longer in Ironwood
and He'd cure me
he told me to get a
job. I might working
a Hotel at a Cigar
Stand don't know
for sure yet. I might
go there today and
see. I might come
home for 4th of
July don't know
for sure yet but
always remember
last 4th.I suppose
you think I'd make
a fool of myself
but not as for yet
I haven't the other
day I and another
girl were walking
along the sidewalk
a car came and 2
guys looked us for
a ride but we wouldn't
go we thanked them
and they got mad they
said they'd take us for
a long ride some day (haha)
Say if you care to
write to me any
more I'd be very
glad to receive a
letter from you.
How are the Finn
girls and boys thow
we the Swede
and I don't know any
germans. haha
Please don't show
this letter to any
body course there
isn't anything
out of the way but
just the same.
don't tell my brother
I have written (haha
I'm going to the
Carnival tonite
a Special train
came here from
Milwaukee and
lots of men dressed
in white a band
was along their dressed
in blue uniforms.
your friend Anna
Well it looks like she likes to write long letters.
I do have a picture of her.
I do have at least one more picture of her and a few others including her brother. I'll show you that one next time.
I wonder why she was seeing a chiropractor? I checked when chiropractic started. It started in 1895 by Danial David Palmer after he help an almost deaf janitor hear a little better. Two years later he opened a school.
She mentioned the Finns again so, I thought I would show you the other picture of the Finish girls.
I wonder if the blond little girl always made a face when she had her picture taken.
She also said something about a train that came from Milwaukee that carried a carnival. I wonder if it had anything to do with the circus that eventually settled in Baraboo Wisc. If you like circus's you should stop there sometime. I like to see all of the restored circus wagons.
I wonder if she ever got the job she wanted while she was in Ironwood? Plus I wonder if she stayed there very long and where she was originally from? So many questions that will never get answered.
Anyway here are a couple more random pictures I choose for you to see.
This picture was put on to a postcard. I wonder who these guys were.
This picture was taken at H.J. Wagner in Kaukauna Wis. I think it might have been one of my Grandma's relatives or friend.
Anyway news is scarce so I'll close for now.
Till next time.
Your friend,
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