I hope this post finds you all well and looking forward to the weekend. I know I am. This week was not to bad. My husband and I went to Farm Technology Days down by Stevens Point. Compared to things from the past we have come a long way in a lot of different ways.
Anyway here is the next letter from Anna Raseens.
As always here is what I can figure out.
Ironwood Mich.
June 26, 1923
Dear friend:- Received your
letter but I thot I was
coming home this week I
didn't answer it. But
my aunt and cousin
went to Washburn to
pick strawberries
and they asked me
to stay here with the
kids. I have to milk
one cow every morning
and evening(haha) they
only have one & nobody
knows how to milk it
while aunties is away.
I just figure on coming
5th or the 6th home
they want me to
stay here for the
4th of July. We
walked to Hurley last
nite one girl had
some business there
so we went along &
I tell you Hurley sure
is worth its name you
must have heard about
it. The guys are worst
than wild cats squealing
at the girls (haha) What
you think if I get
my hair bobbed
everybody else are
having their hair
bobbed now a days
How is weather around
Ogema now It is awful
cold here and we have
to get up before 6 because
my uncle has to go
work his got a nite
job he goes work 8 hours
leave 5 and makes
seven bucks a day.
What did Edna go to
Chicago for? To work
I suppose? Er why?
I got a letter from Ella
yesterday and my
cousin. Say you
said you couldn't burn
my letter well I hope
the goodness all the
other kids were not
reading them My letters
are only Humbug
guess I'll close answer
soon as I get it before I have
From Anna
It sounds like she was stuck in Ironwood for a while longer while her aunt and cousins went strawberry picking in Washburn.
Washburn is north of Ashland. Here is a map that shows you where it is.
Now Ironwood Mich. is here.
It is a bit of a ride just to go pick strawberries.
To bad she couldn't go instead she got to milk a cow by hand twice a day till they got back.
I can remember Grandpa and my uncles doing that.
As for her and her friend walking to Hurley.
It's right across from Ironwood so it was not a real long walk.
As for the guys acting like wildcats well, talking to a few people I work with about it they said that Hurley had a reputation of being a very wild place. Lots of bars. That area is known for mining, I think.
She mentioned an Edna and Ella. I think I have pictures of Edna and Letters which I will share with you when I get to them. Right now I'm not sure of Ella but you never know.
I'm a little surprised he told her he would not burn the letters. That was one thing about Grandpa, he saved a lot of things. I was just fortunate to get these letters and I am now able to share them with you.
Now here are a few random pictures.
Here is what I want to call, "Some of the boys from up north."
Grandma, her sister-in-law Selma ( Married to grandpa's brother) her daughter.
The six Johnson kids.
Well that's all I have time for now.
Till next time, take care.
Your friend,
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