I hope this post finds you all well and like me looking forward to the weekend.
Here is the next letter from Edna.
As always here is what it says:
Chicago, Ill.
May 15, 1924
Dear Friend Howard:-
Say young man
I wrote that letter to
you and not to Thomas
How was that that your
little brother could make
such an obnoxious and
ridiculous mistake?
If you do not app-
reciate my letters and
can't answer them your-
self then I quit!!??
Do you realy understand
what I mean now?
I mean I want an
answer from you. Ha! Ha!
I'll bet you think I
am a crabby old maid
by this time, by the looks
of this note. But I wish
you could see how tired
I am.
The oldest boy here he
is 28 years old, will
be married one of these
days. Do you realize that
next month is "honey-
moon" month? Better
pick up a lot of nerve
to ask Anna Roinella.
Oh! gee! I called Amy
Yost last night I am to
meet her in Lincoln
Park next Sunday.
Today was pay
day thats why I feel
so foolish.
Say please excuse my
stationery, but I am on
the breakfast porch &
I don't want to go to my
room to get any. I
am quite tired.
I can't wait till
I get home. Don't know
if it will be in the
latter part of July or
Saw Charlie(my
uncle) last nite.
Have not seen Julia
Well guess I will
quit. Hope you will
forgive me for what
I have said. I'll get
on bended knees
when I get there.
Greet Thomas & tell
him he can write me too.
Gladys says to
greet you
That was an interesting letter. She must get pretty crabby when she is tired. I know how she feels most days. I get tired and I don't make much sense either.
I'm thinking the Gladys she is talking about is the one I have already shown you.
In the 1920's Lincoln Park looked something like this.
It was a simple park and that was all.
It had a picnic area, small playground and several grills.
Today I think it has a lot more to see.
Here are a few pictures I have picked for you to see.
I think these are related to Edna. They could even be her parents.
This is my Grandma's sister,my uncle Peter and his cousin Rosella. I'm not sure what year it was taken.
This is a picture of the beaver pond. I use to spend as much time as I could when I was visiting my Grandparents. The animals I would see and watched when they didn't know I was there. Most times I didn't have a camera with me.
Oh well, that's about all I have to share with you this time.
So till next time.
Your friend,
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