How was your weekend? Mine was quiet and uneventful. Nothing happened that is worth saying anything about.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Edna and a little note included from Gladys.
It is a little hard to read in spots, so here is what it says:
Chicago, Ill.
June 2, 1924
Dear Friend Howard:
Received tour letter
some time ago, but
circumstances have
delayed my answering
it. Now I am through
with my collage work
but I am working and
all my spare time is
evenings and I am
awfully tired sometimes.
So if my letter does
not sound very good
(as I presume it will
not) you will know
the "Reason Why"
Well did you have
a nice vacation the
30th? I sure did. Did
not work all day. Went
to Lincoln Park with
Uncle Walter & Gladys
and in the evening I
went to a dance
sure had a wonderful
As I have told you
before, I am working
for Mr. Block. Mrs. Block
and Leon are away
for a two week vacation
went in car this morning
at 4:00 o'clock. So I
go with Mr. Block in
a Taxi every morning
& night.
Do not know yet
when I will be home
but it will be some
time soon maybe in
July sometime or August.
Well news is
is scarce so guess I will
ring off.
Was to a picture
show tonight, saw " The
Woman on the Jury". Sure
was swell. Yesterday I
saw 'The Arizona Express"
that also was a peach.
Howard, are you
still angry with me
since that time on
Christmas when we
went to show at Ogema?
Hope you forget about
Well greet Thomas
and tell him I am coming
back soon. It is a year
ago tonight the 2nd since
I left home. Arrived Chgo.
tomorrow morning 3rd
Please let me hear
from you sometime
How are you
I am fine &
hope you are the
same, tink I sk all
quil for dis time
from Gladys
P.S. Oh. ya! I forget to
tell you. I see you soon
"Ha Ha"
Well, interesting. It sounds more and more like she can get a bit crabby from time to time and like to write about it so the reader knows how she was feeling at the time.
I looked up the movies she said she saw and this is what I found.
"The woman on the Jury"
It was a silent film, of coarse. I was trying to find out what it was about but I could not find what I wanted. But, it was remade in 1929 with a title of "The Love Racket". It is a story of a woman who is put on a jury that is to judge another woman for something she herself had done.
I tried to find a picture of it but this is all I could find.

I did find a description of this on. This is an edge of your seat kind of story.
It involves a murder, someone being falsely accused of it and then trying to clear his name, running from the gang who set him up, getting on a train, The Arizona Express. A girl helping to clear his name and getting the real killer to write a letter of confession. The getting that letter to the governor before he is executed in the morning. I wonder if they would remake this one. I can see it being done today, couldn't you?
I wonder what happened at Christmas time that she wants him to forget?
As for Gladys's note on the back, I don't think I copied it right. Any ideas what it says for sure?
Anyway here are a few random pictures for you to look at.
I think the one on the right just might be Edna.
Not sure who they are or even what they are doing.
Not sure what this picture is of but someone had a habit of writing where it was taken in a certain sector.
Well news is scarce so I will close for now.
Till Friday.
Your friend,
Well, interesting. It sounds more and more like she can get a bit crabby from time to time and like to write about it so the reader knows how she was feeling at the time.
I looked up the movies she said she saw and this is what I found.
"The woman on the Jury"
It was a silent film, of coarse. I was trying to find out what it was about but I could not find what I wanted. But, it was remade in 1929 with a title of "The Love Racket". It is a story of a woman who is put on a jury that is to judge another woman for something she herself had done.
I tried to find a picture of it but this is all I could find.
I did find a description of this on. This is an edge of your seat kind of story.
It involves a murder, someone being falsely accused of it and then trying to clear his name, running from the gang who set him up, getting on a train, The Arizona Express. A girl helping to clear his name and getting the real killer to write a letter of confession. The getting that letter to the governor before he is executed in the morning. I wonder if they would remake this one. I can see it being done today, couldn't you?
I wonder what happened at Christmas time that she wants him to forget?
As for Gladys's note on the back, I don't think I copied it right. Any ideas what it says for sure?
Anyway here are a few random pictures for you to look at.
I think the one on the right just might be Edna.
Not sure who they are or even what they are doing.
Not sure what this picture is of but someone had a habit of writing where it was taken in a certain sector.
Well news is scarce so I will close for now.
Till Friday.
Your friend,
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