It's me again. And it's Friday! Yeah!
I'm going to show you things. A postcard and a letter. I think the postcard might have been sent by Oscar Johnson. I'm not sure who he was. The only one I ever heard about while I was growing up was a brother of Grandpa's that was often known by that name. His full name was Joel Oscar Johnson. He died in 1908. I will tell you the story of him sometime in the future.
Anyway here is the postcard.
Here is what it says on the back.
Hello Howard: How
are you old timer?
I'm fine. Am out
at Lake Minnetonka
this evening with
Nels P. Peterson
Oscar Johnson
220 ??????? ave.
I'm thinking Nels P. Peterson is the same one that had sent a letter to Grandpa once before.
I like the picture of the steamboats on Lake Minnetonka. I wonder how long these boats were used and if maybe they still exist anywhere now.
The letter is the first from Mary. I think this Mary's last name is Kauer. Grandpa and Mary hung out a lot back in the day. Rib Lake is not real far where Grandpa lived.
So here is the letter.
Here is what it says:
Rib lake Wis
July 11, 1924
Hell Howard--
Recid your letter
alright but was sorry
to hear that you were
so tired. There ought to
be a law that wouldn't
allow people to work
the day after a holiday
That would give them
a chance to rest up.
I didn't get up till
quite late so I wasn't
so very tired.
That evening I had a
ride out to Chelsea
One of the neighbor girls
left for Chicago and she
asked me to go along.
But it wasn't all joy-
riding. There was quite
a stretch of bad road.
I saw Rosie Sunday
and she said all her
brother did Saturday was
to tease her. I think
brothers are just awful,
anyway, don't you?
well, so long from
P.S. heels hoping you can read
I left a few of the miss spelling in it.
This is the first of many letters from Mary.
I wonder if the two of them were out late together?
She mentioned Chelsea. It is a small town just north of where I live. It's one of those small towns that has become smaller over time.
For those of you who do not know the area here is a map showing where it is.
Here is picture of Mary.
I have a number of pictures that I know are of her. Over time I will show them to you. I wonder if she was any good at the accordion?
Now for a couple of random pictures.
Not really sure who this is and how the family knew him.
No idea who these two women are that are handling this team of horses.
Well that's about all for now. News is scarce.
So till next time.
Your friend,
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