I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was short because I worked Saturday. Plus it's a little too cold out there for me. At least it looks like the hunters will have snow for hunting season. I little cooler then most would like but at least good tracking snow.
Anyway here is the next letter from cousin Walter.
As always here is what I can make out.
Chicago, Ill
Oct 3rd 1924
Dear Howard:
Got your
card sometime ago and
really I meant to answer
it before but I kept on
putting it off and then
the last few days I've been
so darn busy I didn't get
time. You see I did a
little painting the last
week so kept pretty busy.
So far I'm not
working yet but am trying
to get a job on the
street cars. If I don't get
it soon I'm afraid I'll
have to try something else
because no work no pay
so that won't get me so
very far. Gee I haven't
been out hardly at all
since I got back so I'm
getting rather tired of
staying at home nights.
I suppose you are
working every day and
having a good time nights.
Do you still see that girl
over at Rib lake? When
are you going to get married(ha)
It sure was some
cyclone that went thro'
up there. I've read a
little about it in the
papers and then Alfred
Nelson told me some
about it. It sure is to
bad tho: Also I got some
stuff on it from my Jane(?)
up there in Wither(?). She
is still up there so you
see I'm single again Ha!
I've seen Catherine
McClure several times
since I came back. Saw
her last night again.
It sure seams nice to
see some one from the
old town again and then
especially her as I went to
school with her for 12 years.
She's a pretty nice girl at
Well Howard I
don't know much to write
about so will call this all.
Write soon & tell me all
the latest.
Your Cousin
1724 Belmont Ave.
You asked me to call Gladys
or Edna but um I've lost their
telephone number & address.
I wonder if Grandpa gave him the phone number and address for Gladys or Edna?
I wonder if he got that job on a street car or if her had to go looking somewhere else.
This is a picture of street cars in Chicago in the I think the 1920's.
I wonder how long he remained single and if Catherine McClure became an item. After all he went to school with her.
I wonder if the girl he is talking about is Mary or Rose. Because Mary keeps talking about Grandpa being with Rose.
He talked about the cyclone that went through, I wonder if it was the same storm Mary mentioned in one of her letters.
So many questions that will never be answered.
Anyway here are a few random pictures for you to look at.
This looks like a picture of damage done to barn after a bad storm. Something like Walter talked about. I don't know who's barn this was nor when it was taken.
This is Neil Carlson. Someone who went to school about the same time my dad did. Love the hair style, don't you?
This is a picture of my mom's brother, Jerry Meyer. I wonder how old he was in this picture?
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
So till next time, stay warm.
Your friend,
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