I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving and did get to stuffed. Mine was just right. My husband started the day with getting a three point buck so his hunting is done, for now. Are you going to be one of those people that find themselves in the middle of mad shopping they are promoting? Not this kid. I don't like that kind of shopping. There is nothing I need that badly that I would put myself in that kind of mania frenzy.
Anyway here is the next letter from Katheryn.
I know it's typed but I still like to write it out myself.
October, 30th, 1924
Dear Howard:-
Just tho't I would drop you a few lines in answer to your
letter, I surely was glad to hear from you as soon as I did. I am at work
now, hence, the stationary.
The weather here is lovely I sure do wish it was this
nice during my vacation this summer. I am anticipating a wonderful time
next summer and believe me I am going to have it. What do you do all thru
the summer? I suppose you go fishing etc.
So they have quite a bit of liquor up there eh? My goodness
that is some place then. Do you have any exciting parties? We just had a
peach of a party at the Edgebrook Golf Club a good time was had by all.
I am very sorry to hear that your mother was ill this summer,
and am glad that sh is better. Give her my love and tell her I said not
to do too much work around the house there, to let some of her heavy set sons
do it, ha- ha. I'll just bet "Elmer" is some shiek eh? Are you going to
have a Halloween Party? I have been to a couple of them so far. I bet you have
the real parties when it comes to Halloween out there, with all your pumpkins,
cornstalks and oak leaves. That is where I would like to be for a party like
that some time. Maybe we could get a crowd to drive out some times and we could
arrange to camp close by you, wouldn't that be the berries?
Gosh I wish Xmas would never come, it seems that every time
it gets close to the holidays I am always broke. I guess I broke all the time
Well, Howard I guess I will call it quits for this time,
hoping to hear from you soon.
Always your bestest friend,
It sounds like the weather was nice around by Chicago when she wrote this letter.
It also sounds like the liquor was flowing around by Grandpa also. I did show you a picture of Grandpa and some of his friends with what looked like bottles a while ago.
She said she went to a party At Edgebrook Golf Club. I looked it up and it still there.
I was hoping to find a picture from the 1920's but could not.
As for Halloween parties in the 1924 by Ogema, I'm thinking they also had a peach of a time.
Here are few random pictures I picked for you to see.
I'm not sure who these people are but they are at a lake.
This Grandpa harvesting what looks like potatoes. I don't know what year this was.
I don't know who this person is but I think it was taken around Halloween time, I think.
Before I go I'll share picture of the deer my husband got.
That's all I have to share with you today. So have a great weekend and please stay safe.
Your friend always,
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