How are you? Did you have a good week? Mine was uneventful. I will have a short weekend. I volunteered to work Saturday. It's been a while since I worked on a Saturday so I thought it was time to do one.
It's been a while but we hearing from Kathryn again finally. So here it is.
I know it is typed but I will copy it for you anyway.
September 26th, 1924
Dear Howard:-
I suppose you will be very much surprises to hear
from me but I really don't whether you wrote last or I
did, but just the same I tho't I would write and see how you
are.? For that matter I would like to know how you all are
mother, Dad and Tom? Are you married yet? I'm not and have
no intention of doing so.
What did you do during the summer? Anything ex-
citing? I spent most the summer I can say practically all of
it in "Twin Lakes" Wisc, I sure did have a wonderful time,
and am looking forward to spending next summer there. Lou
and Theresa Lambert were up to Hayward this year but I guess
did not stop off at your place did they? At least Lou did not
say anything about it.
Is Elmer married? None of the Lamberts are
married as yet but I suppose Theresa will be soon, one never
can tell.
Did you have have a pleasant summer up there? It
rained just about every day here but we had to make the best
of it. Gosh we sure are haveing wonderful weather here now
tho' I certainly would not mind taking a vacation now.
well we will all be looking forward to Xmas
next I suppose, but I am not very keen about it. I hate the
winter, never want to see it come. I am still struggling
along here at the same place working, such is life in this
big city, just one pay day after the other.
Well Howard when you get time I certainly
would like to hear from you and let me know what you are doing
with yourself these days. I have an idea you are married by
this time, am I mistaken?
Write soon,
As ever,
Kay Clary
3510 Southport Ave.
Chicago, Illinois.
I'm not sure right now how many more letters there are from Kathryn but if I remember right this is the last year I have for her.
It sounds like her and Theresa are kind of friends but not as close as they use to be.
She said she was spending a lot of time at Twin Lakes Wis.
Twin lakes is located in the southern part of Wis. close to the Ill. border.
It's a small town today of almost 6,000 people.
I was trying to find out when it was founded but I couldn't find the info I was looking for. I'm thinking the attraction might be the lake
I wonder if Kathryn ever got married and if she did what her life turn out to be.
Oh well here are a few random pictures I chose for you to see.
I think this picture was taken at the beaver pond.
It looks like it's the picture of an inside of someones cabin, but I could be wrong.
I don't know what year this one was taken. I think my dad might know who this is for sure.
Well that's about all I have for this time.
So till next time.
Your friend,
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