Another week has gone by. It was a nice week for me. I was on vacation again this week. I did a few things but mainly stayed around home. The husband was making hay. Boy this is a very choppy start for this post.
Oh well, here is the next letter from Nellie:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
485 lake Shore Road,
Manchester N.H.
Dear Howard:-
I got your letter
yesterday and was a usual
very glad to hear from you.
I would of answered your
welcome letter yesterday
only I was away and had $20
spent on me. We are having
some very nice weather
over here in Manchester &
hope we keep on having
some weather like this.
I am well and hope you
are the same. How is the
weather out there now, Howard?
I am glad you liked
my joke and will try
and think of another
one to send you. No I
don't think I have ever
heard or read that joke
of "Frank's one tube Radio,"
I know quite a few but
never heard that one. Did
you fire your cook or did
she get out herself? Are you
going to sell your farm
and go and live with that
young girl far away? Where
does she live? Now don't
you wish I was out there
to get your dinner for
you Howard? Ha, Ha. But I
think maybe you wish
you were over to that other
girl's place. Maybe she
is much better for
you than I am Howard.
Well Howard I think
I can hear the mail-
man coming so I will
have to ring off
From a friend
P.S. Did "Tomy" get Hazel's
aunts picture taken
with Willis? She told "Tomy"
that it was her but it
was her aunt. Maybe
that far away "girl would
make a better bed partner
for you than I could. Ha, Ha.
A Raffle for A Dog (Lets see you smile.)
Little brown dog sound as a ring
Will be ten years old if he lives till spring.
He'll sh-- on your carpet, piss on your grass
He has three white feet and a hole in his a--
His head bulges out, and his a-- caves in;
But he's a dam good dog; for the shape he's in.
Ha, Ha.
The roads were so wet,
good the lanes were
so narrow,
I had to bring her home
In an old Wheelbarrow.
After reading this letter I wonder what he was telling her about the other girls who were writing to him. Or was he making her believe he would move out there to be with her if only. It's times like this I really wish I could have seen what he wrote to them.
I wonder who was cooking Grandpa's meals at that time since his mother past away.
I like her jokes.
Here are two more viewer cards from the "Scenes from New York" set:
The Postoffice.
A View of Famous Broadway.
I looked up some info on this post office.
This building was built between 1869 and 1880. It was often called "Mullet's Monstrosity". That was the name of the man who finished it in the end. it was demolished in 193. The site was used to extend City Hall Park to the south.
As for the second picture, here is what we know it looks like today:
I've never been to New York, but I think this might be the same angle that was taken back in the day.
Now for a random picture:
I thought since she told a dog joke I would show you a picture of one of the dogs that they had over the years. I don't think this is one from when I was little. The dog they had when I was young was a collie named Lassie.
Well, that's about all I have to share with you today. I hope you have a very good weekend.
I hope you will drop by again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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