It's almost hard to believe that it is the end of September all ready. Summer is gone and Fall has begun. Before you know it ,it will be winter and Christmas time. I'don't know if I'm ready for what is to come. But what choice do I have.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Nellie:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
485 Lake Shore Rd.
Dear Howard:
Got your surpris-
ing letter today and
as I just returned from
the city I will answer
it. We are having some
peachie weather and
we are all well and
happy and hope you
are the same. Well, Howard
Hazel has left me
she went home last
Wednesday the 6th of
June. I am all alone
here now and have
to do most all the work
and what I don't do my
brothers and father do
for me. Why don' you
ask that "far away girl"
for a picture of herself
maybe she is more
of a satisfaction to you
than I would be. Ha, Ha.
I am not used to
sleeping with anyone
as I sleep alone also.
Aren't you warm when
you sleep alone, Howard?
I sleep alone and sure
am warm enough some
of the bed-clothes off. I
also hope you don't have
to sell your farm. I haven't
been doing anything
only I went down town
to see my mother as
she was here in the
city on a nursing case
and when I got down
there she took me down
to a big sale and spent
$25 dollars on me. She
sure is a good mother
I think. I am glad
that you like my jokes
as I thot you would
be getting mad at me
for sending you such
terrible jokes. I will try
and think of another
one to write to you before
I finish this letter to you.
I will write to Hazel
and let her know that
"Tomy" wants to hear from
her. I will have to
ring off now and hope
to hear from you again
before long.
Lots of Love & Kisses.
Try and guess these.
1. Why does a hen lay
an egg?
2. What is the difference
between a woman
and a soldier?
3. When does water stop
running down hill?
best of luck to you
I wonder where Hazel went home to?
I'll always wonder what kind of letter he wrote to these women.
I wonder if he could have been referring to her as "the far away girl" and maybe she was just playing a game with him.
I wonder what kind of things her mother bought for her that came to $25.
I could guess what the answers to her little questions but I'm afraid I'll guess wrong.
Maybe you can answer them for me. I challenge you to give me your answers.
Here are two more viewer cards from the "Scenes From New York" set:
Castle Garden, now the Aquarium with a very interesting foreground.
The Pier of Castle Garden.
In the first picture I wonder who is in the carriage. Someone famous. I've looked at it thought the viewer but I do not know who it could be. maybe you can figure it out.
Now both picture have to do with Castle Garden.
This is a definition from Wikipedia:
Castle Clinton or Fort Clinton, once known as Castle Garden, is a circular sandstone fort now located in Battery Park, in Manhattan, New York City. It is perhaps best remembered as America's first immigration station (predating Ellis Island), where more than 8 million people arrived in the U.S. from 1855 to 1890. Over its active life, it has also functioned as a beer garden, exhibition hall, theater, public aquarium, and finally today as a national monument.
This is a view from above to give you idea what it looks like.
Maybe someday I'll see some of these things I'm showing you in person.
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
This was taken while Grandpa was putting on addition on the front of the house. The date is Sept. 1957.
Well, that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you a very good weekend.
Don't forget to stop by again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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