I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was half busy. On Saturday we went to a Badger Football game. I've never been to one before so this was new for me. It was a close game, closer then they thought it was going to be. So now I can say I have attended a collage football game.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Sigrid:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Mt. Iron, Minn.
June 1, 1928
Dear Howard,
It's about time I'm
answering your letter
isn't it? Probably you've
forgotten me by this
time. Gosh, my writing
come awful, I have
such a short pencil,
and + a poor hand
at the penmanship art.
If you just understand
it, it's alright.
I wish I was there
to play those records,
I never get enough of
music I guess. We
haven't anything musi-
cal only me, & one
could never call me
musical, ye gods!!
Some start for June
we have. So lonesome
cold & dreary & rainy.
I bet we can't even
go swimming if it keeps
being so cold. Are
there nice lakes around
Ogema? I read some
news in the Finnish
paper from Ogema,
but I didn't get head
or tails to it because
I don't know the
people there. Can you
talk any Finn? Just
about everyone can
say some words in
that language.
Have you been fixing
your house at all now?
I bet it will be
nice someday. Why
didn't you leave more
trees around it though?
It would be so nice
then, and cool too.
I've always wished for
a nice house, but my
wish hasn't been
granted as yet. Do
you sell cream or
what do you do with
so many cows? I don't
even know how to
milk, I'm so rotten.
Nearly eleven o'clock
now but I'm not sleepy.
We have such a beaut-
iful moon tonight, I'd
just like to stay out-
doors but it's rather
cool & no fun alone.
I'm always alone I'm
so sick & tired of it
that I could do any-
thing to relieve myself
for awhile. Anybody
would get lonesome
& sore too, in a place
like this. Wait, when
I get out of here though!!!
I've got to pour my
troubles into someone's ears
so don't mind if you
get "kinda" funny letters
sometimes Howard.
me. (Sigrid)
soon, even
if I
I wonder what kind of records Grandpa had and which was his favorite?
I wonder how many cows he was milking at that time?
Boy she really wants to move away from where she lived. Was she ever able to move away and find her true love? Or someone she could be happy with.
I wonder what Grandpa thought about her kind of venting about being lonely in northern Minn.
I wonder if Grandpa could speak Finnish?
here are two more viewer cards from the "Scenes from New York" set:
The World Building and City Hall.
Flat Iron Building and View of Fifth Avenue.
The world building was built in 1890 for the defunct newspaper The New York World. It was razed in 1955.
City hall was built in 1811. it's still there and I think looks about the same.
The Flatiron Building was built in 1902.
Looks the same except for the other buildings around it.
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
Just a picture of some of the young stock from a time gone by.
I think I had promised you a picture of some goats on the roof of a restaurant in door county.
The restaurant is a Swedish one. We did eat there. I'd say if you find yourself in Sister Bay, give it a try. You can't miss it. It's the only one that has grass and goats on it's roof.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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