I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was okay. It was too hot plus we didn't hike because of the hot temps and it also rained a bit. My work week started too early. I had to get up at 2:10 am because I had to start two hours earlier. This makes you hate Mondays even more. But I lived through it.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Ruth:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:
Chicago, Illinois
August 26, 1934
Dear Howard,
I received your two letters
and it was nice to hear from
I feel as though I haven't
had a vacation. It doesn't
take long to get back into
the old rut, but I wouldn't
mind spending my next
vacation in Northern Wisconsin.
I haven't heard from
Arnold, but I am sure he
appreciated your taking
him for a ride.
We went to the Fair today
and went through the Transporta-
tion section of the Fair. I saw
Barney Oldfield and his Hell Riders
at the Chrysler exhibit. They put on
the standard lit. show. It is about the
biggest drawing card at the
Fair. It is wonderful. At least
so I think.
We have had a lot of rain in
Chicago; that is, we had a couple
of bad storms. Did you have any
Best wish to you
Ruth Helene
Barney Oldfield was a racer.
This is a picture with him taken at the 1934 Worlds Fair. ( He's the one in the center with a cigar)
He was also known as the "King Of Speed".
He began racing in 1902 till 1918.
He was the first man to drive 60 miles per hour.
I wonder what they would think of the way they race today. or even drive down the highway.
I wonder if she was able to vacation in Northern Wisconsin?
I also wonder how much time she spent at the Worlds Fair that year.
Here is a story from the paper "Labor" Tuesday, August 28, 1934:
There is a lot of truth in this story. It still applies today.
Here is a page from the magazine "Fate" November 1950:
Has Fate ever touched you when you least expected it to?
Finally, a random picture:
No idea where this waterfall is. Or what year it was taken.
Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope everyone has a good Fourth Of July. Stay safe.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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