I hope you had a good weekend. I know a lot of places are having a lot of trouble. I hope that very soon things will start to settle down and become safer for all. My weekend was short and a little expensive. My dryer broke on Saturday so we had to get a new one. Sunday we tried to go to the fair after 4 o'clock. There was not much there by the time we got there. So we ate at the 4H stand, took a lap and left. That's what happens when you wait till the last minute to go to the fair.You miss everything.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Ruth:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:
Chicago, Illinois
November 4, 1934
Dear Howard:
How are you feeling these
beautiful fall days.
The Fair closed Wednesday
and I was down there in
the mob. We had a peach
of a time. We had to
hold on to one another or we
would have become
separated. It was so
packed at 23rd Street that
we couldn't go beyond there.
We had to go on the Island.
Everyone was feeling so
happy and half of them
tight. I was glad I went.
We couldn't get in any place to
eat. Couldn't buy a thing.
Everything was so jammed.
It's closed now and I guess
a lot of people are sorry they
didn't go more often. I have had
many good times there.
That's enough of that.
Yesterday I went to the
Chicago & saw Mrs. Wiggs
of the Cabbage Patch.
it was very good. Did
you ever read that story?
Have you been over to
see Arnold lately? I got
a nice letter from him
when I got your last
letter. I take a long
time to answer don't I.
I am writing to him
today too.
Well, I'll have to sign off
as we are going to a dance &
it's time to leave.
I wonder how many times she went to the Worlds Fair that year.
It sounded like that fair ended with more attention then our fair did here.
As for "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch", it was a film at that time based on a novel written in 1901 by Alice Hagan Rice. This was the 3rd time it was made into a movie. The first was in 1914, the third in 1919. There was also a fourth one made in 1942. I think it is time to make another one since the entertainment business is in to remaking everything now a days.
Wikipedia has a very good description of this story.
I do hope she enjoyed herself at the dance.
Here is a cartoon from the newspaper "Labor" September 4, 1934:
The question is, Is it still an answer to Wall Street's prayers today?
Here is a poem and a few jokes from the same paper:
Enjoy. There are a few more jokes from this same paper that I will share with you over the last letters. Remember after this one there is only 3 more letters to go. After that I will tell you what I will try to do with this space.
I thought since there was so much talk about a fair I would show a picture from a fair gone by:
A lot of very interesting things on display.
Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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