I hope everyone had a very nice weekend. Mine was good. We were able to hike on Sunday. We did a little over 9 miles. A little farther then we planned. It was a little on the hot side. it was still a very nice hike.
Anyway, here is a letter from Ruth:
I'm not going to rewrite this one because it is typed.
It looks like she worked for Standard Red Crown Gasoline.
This is what a gas station could have looked like. This one was in Saint Louis. Not sure what year this is from.
I'm not sure if any are still open today.
I wonder if Grandpa was able to mail the card in.
It does sound like he did go to the Worlds fair that year.
I do like the paper she used. Very different.
Here is a picture from The Milwaukee Journal; Friday, March 20, 1936:
Water in Pittsburgh's business district was slowly receding Thursday as the flood moved westward, gripping Wheeling, W. Va., and other Ohio river cities and towns. This picture shows the flooded streets of downtown Pittsburgh near the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. -A.P. Wirephoto.
I wonder how long it took this area to get back to normal or I should say get cleaned up.
Here is a story from "Fate" November 1950:
I wonder how many Earth like world are out there.
Will we someday be able to move to different planets or is it just a dream?
Here is a random picture:
No idea who they are, when it was taken or where.
I'm sure someone might tell me, eventually.
Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a very good week.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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