I hope this post finds every well. Me, I'm doing good also. Now if only it would stop raining around here.
This next letter is from another different girl. I'm not sure if I spelled the name right but it was very hard to read a lot of this letter. If you can make out the name better I would be glad to know it because the name just does not make any sense to me.
This is what I have deciphered of this letter.
Thief R. Falls Minn
Jan. 18-24
Dearest Howard-
Today I recid your letter
and must say was much
surprised to get it. If you
did get my name in a
car as you say. I can't
imagine who has the
nerve to put it there. I
know this girl Bessie L. But
haven't much time for
her. So if you write to her
Don't correspond with me
then please- This town
sure is dead. Not one
dance or any excitement
at all. So must I do is
stay at home because
when I came home for
Xmas vacation, I got
sick. So haven't gone
back to school yet. I don't
think I am until after
Easter some time. I am
a coed at the Marquette
in Milwaukee. Have
been there two years.
So now you know that
much. Is Ogema far
from Mil. if it isn't
maybe you will come
up to Milwaukee
some time and meet
me. You may think that
by the way I say I've
been in school for two
years that I am old and
mean not exactly young
But I am eighteen- how
old are you.I'm sorry
I haven't even a snap
to send you but I've not
taken any for so long I had
my picture taken
for Xmas but I've given
them all away-
See it's terrible to
be ni this town very
long at a time. I've
never stayed at home
much lately. Ho it
sure is lonesome
especially when your
used to being busy
etc. You have a route
number- so you live
on a farm- Really I am
sorry Howard but I
simply can't think
of any more to say So
here's hoping you can at
least read my poor
penmanship. But it's
the best I can do. Answer
soon if you can and
be good in the future.
Please spell my name
Yours as I always am
Alep Paulsen
725 8th St.
This was a bit of a challenging letter to read. I'm sure I got some of the words wrong. Don't be afraid to tell me what I should correct.
To me she sounds like a kind of a strong personality for being eighteen. But she does not think eighteen is young. I wonder if Grandpa did find her name in a car and who this Bessie L. is and why she does not like her.
I wonder what she was going to school for and if she got her degree or found a husband first.
I had never heard of Thief River Falls and was not sure where it was.So here is a map showing about where it is.
Today it has a population of about 8,410. In the 1920's the population was about 4,685. So it has almost doubled in size.
Well not to much else to really think about in this letter so here are a few random pictures for you to enjoy.
Not sure who she was. It was taken at Wilbur studio in Algoma, Wis. She kind of reminds me of an old school marm. What do you think?
No idea who this is with the chickens. One of Grandpa's many friends I suppose.
No sure who this is either. But he kind of looks like Uncle Thomas or maybe even Grandpa. What do you think?
Well news is scarce so I will close for now.
Take care and have a good weekend.
Your always,
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