I hope everyone had a good long weekend. Mine was good. Got together with family at the family cabin. I did bring some of the old pictures to see if anyone could I.D. anyone. Plus some of the cousins were there and I thought if they were interested in any of the old pictures I've already posted they could have them for themselves.
Anyway here is the next letter from a new girl, Laura Spiels. I know the letter says Jan. 8, 1923 but the post mark says it's Jan. 10, 1924. I wonder if she just wrote the wrong year on the letter of if I've just posted it wrong. Here it is.
It's a little hard to read in some spots so here is what I've deciphered.
Westboro, Wis
Jan. 8, 1923
Dear Sheik of Ogema
Several of us West-
boro flappers have been
writting notes to-day
in school & I found
your name in one of the
list of Ogema Sheiks
& the way they wrote of
the Ogema Sheiks I
thought I would like
to correspond with one.
There were a number
of names in the list
But I always liked the
Howard. I used to go with
a boy by the name of Howard
& he moved a way.
So Howard dear please
answer this letter from
a lonesome Sheba
of Westboro.
I am a junior of the
Westboro High. I am
fifteen years old & rather
stout & large for my age
I have my hair waved
like all us flappers
My hair is dark & also
my eyes. I no you
will be satified with
my looks
have you a car If so
please come down
some time. But please
write before you come
as I wish to prepare
for your company.
I have been home
the last several nites
making a patch quilt
all girls my age should
no how to sew. Don't
you think so Howard?
I learned how to make a
devil food cake, Howard.
What did you get for Xmas?
I got ten dollars from my
brother, a Camera,& a
necklace also a box of
power, a box of stationary
and a fiction book one of
Zane Grays novels. WildFire
I do love to read novels. They
are so romantic. But if we
correspond that may be the
starting for great romance
So Howard dear please
please answer.
Your Westboro Sheba
xxx Laura Spiels
P.S. Write so I will get your
letter before Friday & write
soon Soon
On the back of the envelope are these letters: S.W.A.K. Which I'm sure stands for Sealed With A Kiss.
She definitely sounds like a teenager.
The names she used were very popular in the 1920's.
When you called a young man a Sheik, it means a young sexy man.
And when you called a girl Sheba, it means a sexy young flapper or lady.
Reading this she was modeling herself a flapper.
She liked to read Zane Gray novels. Grandpa like to read these novels too. I wonder if she is the one who got him into them. I wonder if anyone claimed the books or if over time they were thrown out?
Westboro is only a few miles from where Grandpa lived so it would have been easy for him to go there and hang out for awhile.
I like her comment that all girls should know how to sew. Well she is right, they should. Do I? I'm sorry to say I don't sew. I did a little when I was younger but over time I never got into it. I do make things from plastic canvas, does that count?
I wonder how her devils food cake tasted?
Anyway here are a few random pictures.
Peter, Clem, George and Jeannie.
Lisa they tell me that one of your little guys looks like Peter. Is it true?
No idea who they are but it looks like love to me.
Now that's a pile of hay. Anyone for a roll in the hay? Or maybe we should look for that needle in the haystack.
Well that's about all I have for you today.
So till next time.
Your friend,
Sheba Sandy
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